Saturday, December 10, 2011


Реики може да помогне :
пречишћавање карме,
решавању узрока и последице
мења менталне и емоционалне обрасце,
смањење стреса,
праћење, ублажавање и отклањање бола,
доноси равнотежу, јасноћу и фокус у животу,
стварајући осећај благостања,
повећање нечије енергије
физичко, ментално и емоционално терапија
бржи опоравак од операције или болести,
прoбијању кроз тешке фазе живота,
третман трауме,
чишћење негативности
убрзава процес исцељења,
ослобађање напетости,
лечење и подршка током болести и / или других тешких суђења,
управљање нежељених ефеката неких конвенционалних терапија,
већу креативност,
веће самосвести,
већу јасноћу и фокус,
јача имуни систем
духовни раст,
реализација бољи живот
Анксиозност, депресија, емоционална блокаде,
ослобађа мишићав, реуматских и других болова
детоксикује тело и пролази урина,
побољшање тонуса мишића и еластичност и тонуса коже.


Saturday, November 12, 2011


Ruska ikona Arh.Mihaila

Arhanđeo Mihail: Nova energija zaštite Arhanđela Mihaila

Šaljem talase voljene anđeoske ljubavi, kao treperavu magičnu prašinu koja će kao
kiša pasti na vaše biće. Ja sam Arhanđeo Mihailo i veliko mi je zadovoljstvo donijeti vam
svoju ljubav, svijetlo i mudrost i povezati se s vašom energijom.
Sada se na Zemlji odvija puno promjena pozitivne prirode. Mi, na unutrašnjim nivoima
možemo vidjeti da svijetlo na Zemlji postaje sve svjetlije svaki dan; to je zbog vašega fokusa i
posvećenosti. Mi vas zbog toga poštujemo i zahvaljujemo vam. Takođe primjećujemo da se
anđeoska prisutnost na Zemlji povećava; to je zato jer sve više ljudi postaje svjesno energije
anđeoskih bića i kako smo voljni pomagati u njihovim realnostima. Mi smo uvijek bili
nesebična bića svijetlosti, vodeći i pomažući čovječanstvu, no puno je teže voditi ljude kada
nisu svjesni naše prisutnosti. Svjesnost anđeoskih vodiča povećala se i pozvani smo pomagati
velikom broju ljudi u ovome trenutku. To donosi toliko ljubavi i oduševljenja našim dušama
tako da možemo raditi s čovječanstvom na novi integrirani način gdje naša prisutnost
omogućava čovječanstvu i anđeoskom kraljevstvu da se približe svijetlosti Stvoritelja. Vrlo je
važno pozivati anđeoska bića u vašu stvarnost, da vam pomažu i vode vas, te zazivati anđele
da podupru Zemlju; sama prisutnost anđeoskih bića na Zemlji koje su pozvali ljudi povećava
svjetlosni kvocijent Zemlje. Na kraju krajeva, mi smo svi jedno i možemo podijeliti toliko
energije i ljubavi s vama. Nas se opisuje kao bića za nesebičnu službu, no mi i vas takođe
tako vidimo, jer svi radimo na tome da se istinski sjedinimo sa Stvoriteljevom dušom.
Potičem vas da pozovete anđele i arhanđele da postanu stalna prisutnost u vašem
životu, dopuštajući vam da postanete svjesni njihovog utiecaja.
Postoji vrlo posebna svrha za moju današnju komunikaciju; za mene je to slavlje rasta
i buđenja čovječanstva.

U prošlosti, podijelio sam s vama štit zaštite koji sam stvorio svojom energijom i za kojeg me možete zamoliti da stavim oko vašeg auričnog polja kako bi osigurao vašu zaštitu na svim nivoaima. Taj štit zaštite sastojao se od električnog plavog balona svjetlosti koji okružuje vaše aurično polje, a potom od platinastog balona svjetlosti.
Električni plavi balon štitio vas je od negativnosti sa Zemlje kao što su električni uređaji, negativne misli i hemikalije.
Platinasti balon svjetla štitio vas je od negativne energije od bića koja nisu nužno
usredotočena na ljubav i čistoću Stvoritelja. Platinasti balon osigurao je da ste stvorili
odgovarajuću vibraciju svjetla koja vas je takođe štitila tokom vaših duhovnih praksi. Tada
bi, po potrebi, stavio i zaštitni balon svjetla oko vas koji bi osigurao da samo vibracije
energije ljubavi mogu proći vašu energiju ili biće. To je bila vrlo sigurna i jaka zaštita koja je
bila potrebna dok se ljudi bude i istražuju energije. Zaštitni trostruki balon svjetlosti može se
koristiti ili pozivati kada god to želite; on je posebno efikasan u fizički opasnim situacijama ili
da blokira strah drugih ljudi kako ne bi ušao u vašu svijest i energiju.
U ovome trenutku Uzdizanja čovječanstva, Stvoritelj mi je savjetovao, a i ja to osjećam
u svojoj duši, da je potreban novi zaštitni balon, i to onaj koji nije tako jaki i koji takođe štiti
osobu usklađujući je sa svjetlošću Stvoritelja, Anđelima i Uzdignutim majstorima.
Prethodna zaštita bila je kao metalni štit oko vas, a nova zaštita omogućit će vam da vaše energije dišu, da budu slobodne i zahtijevat će od vas da držite veći osjećaj majstorstva nad vašim bićem i odgovornost za vaše akcije.

Novi trostruki balon zaštite sastojat će se od bijeloga balona na samom rubu auričnog
polja. Bijelo svjetlo djeluje skoro kao filter koji rastvara negativne misli i emocije koje su
poslate osobi ili koje ona sama stvara. Ono takođe ima sjaj koji pomaže u povezivanju sa
Stvoriteljem i vodi vas, te privlači pozitivne energije i energije duše iz unutrašnjosti bića. Prema tome, kada osoba osjeća da treba zaštitu, ona neće toliko biti zaštićena, nego će biti aktivirana njezina unutrašnja moć i svijetlo kako bi joj služili na najprikladniji način.

Drugi balon zaštite ostaje ista električno plava svjetlost zbog štetnih energija Zemlje
koje su još uvijek prisutne zbog slabljenja auričnog polja i energije duše. Zbog toga to
električno plavo svijetlo mora ostati prisutno u mojoj zaštiti. Električno plavo svijetlo zaštitit
će vas od električnih energija, hemikalija i negativne svijesti koju stvara čovječanstvo kada se
koncentriše na slične misli, strahove ili ishode. Električno plavo svijetlo može vam se učiniti skoro kao prepreka svijetlosti kako bi osigurala zaštitu.
Treći balon zaštite Arhanđela Mihaila je zlatne boje. To je u stvarnosti Hristovska
svijest koje dolazi u ovome trenutku iz anđeoskog kraljevstva, to je aktivna energija ljubavi
koja će stvoriti i privući energiju ljubavi. Moć ljubavi postaje sve više poznata na Zemlji, te je
u ovome trenutku prikladno dopustiti energiji ljubavi da djeluje kao zaštita za sve. Energija
ljubavi će rastvoriti negativnost svih vrsta, te će takođe donijeti situacije koje će omogućiti
da se negativnost, haos ili strah razriješe na skladni način. Zlatni balon svjetlosti takođe
sadrži mudrost koja će biti prikladna za svakog pojedinca, te će ga inspirisati da radi s više
ljubavi, da sjaji s ljubavlju iz svojega srca i duše i da prema tome poveća svoj nivo zaštite.

Novi trostruki balon zaštite u bijeloj, električno plavoj i zlatnoj boji je po svojoj
vibraciji puno svjetliji i nabijen s toliko svetog svijetla da je skoro kao čaura svijetlosti koji
podupire proces duhovnoga rasta svakog pojedinca. Balon je sjajno svijetlo i štiti osobu
jačanjem njegovog svijetla, te ne zaklanja njegovo svijetlo. Vidjećete da novi trostruki balon
zaštite zahtjeva od osobe da bude svjesnija sebe, energije oko nje i onoga što sama stvara. Ta
energija je sada dovedena kako bi ojačala svijetlo čovječanstva, ali takođe i zato jer je
čovječanstvo došlo do stepena kada je odgovornije, te više kontroliše svoju stvarnost i
duhovni razvoj na Zemlji. Što više radnici svijetla i ljudi budu majstori svojih bića, zaštita
koju ćemo vam ponuditi će se izmijeniti kako bi bila prikladna za rast do kojeg je došlo.
Primijeti ćete da je zaštitni balon uklonjen, jer bi to skoro učinilo vaše energije
nevidljivima i vrlo čvrstima, a ako osjetite potrebu za pomoći zaštitnog mjehura nove
trostruke zaštite, možete me zatražiti da to napravim za vas, a to je prikladno u trenucima
kada osjećate da ste u opasnosti. Osjećam da štit zaštite nije potreban u većini slučajeva, jer
duše shvataju da mogu same rješavati sve negativne energije uz moći svojih misli i sjajnoga
Mnogi od vas mogu se upitati zašto moraju zatražiti zaštitu ako vjerujete da ste uvijek
sigurni i zaštićeni. Moj odgovor vama je da ako zatražite zaštitu, tada povećavate vibraciju
svijetla oko vašeg auričnog polja koje vam prirodno omogućava da se lakše krećete kroz vašu
stvarnost, a to takođe osigurava da vaše aurično polje ne bude pokidano negativnim mislima
koje stvarate vi ili drugi ljudi. Još jedan razlog je to što većina ljudi nije svjesna dvadeset i
četiri sata na dan, i prema tome um i energija polja može biti podložna negativnim uticajima,
mislima, emocijama straha, a da osoba nije toga svjesna.
Da odete na šetnju po vjetrovitom i kišnom danu, vrlo je vjerojatno da biste zaštitili svoje tijelo i kožu, kako biste se osjećali ugodnije. Ako idete kroz vašu dnevnu rutinu u kojoj se susrećete s ljudima, čujete zvukove i ljude, vidite oglase i slike, ulazite u različite zgrade gdje su možda nakupljene brojne različite energije ili u kojima se jede hrana u koju je usađena svijest drugih ljudi, i tada je prikladno da stavite zaštitu na vas kako biste osigurali da ostanete balansirani i u vašoj energiji ili moći u svakome trenutku. Moj trostruki balon zaštite je jednostavno dodata energija, kao kaput, koji će čuvati i štititi vaše energije gdje god da se nalazite i što god da radite. To ne znači da možete staviti vaš život ili energiju u opasne situacije, uvijek morate biti svjesni vaših akcija i misli i njihovih implikacija na svoj život, a moj balon zaštite je jednostavno tanki kaput koji će vam osigurati i potaknuti vašu svijetlost.
Moja je želja da praktikujete korišćenje moga trostrukog balona zaštite ujutro ili prije
meditacije. Nakon toga dopustite si da sjedite u toj energiji i da vidite je li ona prikladna za
vas. Daću vam invokaciju koja će vam pomoći u usidravanju ovog novog trostrukog balona
zaštite u vašu energiju.

«Voljeni Arhanđel Mihailo, pozivam tvoju energiju, svijetlo, vodjstvo i zaštitu sada.
Molim te okruži me u ljubavi i stavi oko moga auričnog polja i bića tvoj novi trostruki
svjetlosni balon zaštite. Okruži me čistim bijelim balonom zaštite, vibrantnim plavim
balonom svijetla i svetim zlatnim balonom svijetla kao bi osigurao moju zaštitu na svim
nivoima moga bića u svakome trenutku. Molim te osiguraj da doživim jedino ljubav
Stvoritelja u mojoj stvarnosti i energiji.
Ja sam uvijek siguran/sigurna i zaštićen/zaštićena.
Hvala ti.»

Nadam se da ćete uživati u doživljavanju veličanstvene energije ovog novog balona
zaštite; vi istinski zaslužujete ovu zaštitu, jer je to proslava vašega rasta i posvećenja.
Ja sam Arhanđeo Mihail, uvijek ću biti tu da vas zaštitim i volim.
Uz blagoslove Stvoritelja,
Ja sam Arhanđeo Mihail.

© Natalie Glasson
Ukoliko vam se sviđaju ove poruke koje je kanalirala Natalie Glasson,
na web stranicama Transformative možete naručiti njezine CD-e s
vođenim meditacijama.

Sedmična kanalisana poruka
Arhanđeo Mihail: Nova energija zaštite Arhanđela Mihaila

Kanalisala Natalie Glasson 15. 08. 2011.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Slobodan Maslic MEDITACIJA 11.11.11 u 11.11 časova

GLOBALNA MEDITACIJA 11.11.11 u 11.11h
Želite li se pridružiti hiljadama ljudi

koji će ovoga petka imati

zajedničku meditaciju u 11:11 sati,

pozivamo vas da se priključite globalnoj meditaciji.

Molitva može da ide ovako : /ako ste sami meditirajte isto/

U nazočnosti- prisustvu Stvoritelja, mojih vodiča i duše, sada priznajem istinu mojega
bića. Pružite mi podršku dok povezujem energetski val 11.11.11 s mojom
srčanom čakrom, dopuštajući mojoj pažnji da ode u dubine moje duše i suštine
da aktivira i donese na površinu moju istinu. Shvaćam da ne moram nužno
razumjeti moju istinu, no tražim ako je prikladno da postanem
svjestan/svjesna vrijednih uvida. Sada se povezujem s i iznosim na površinu
moju istinu, dopuštajući vibraciji da se uskladi s mojom srčanom čakrom,
stupom čakri, tijelom i auričnim poljem. Moja je želja da iskusim vibraciju moje
istine, dopuštajući čistoj ljubavi da se aktivira iz te vibracije. Sada potpuno i
apsolutno priznajem moju istinu i ljubav koja teče iz moje istine, tražeći da se
ona na božanski način uključi u moju realnost, pod vodstvom volje Stvoritelja
od ovoga trenutka na dalje.

(Nastavite sjediti u miru, s fokusom na srcu i dišite u istinu vašega bića,
osjećajući i jednostavno priznavajući vašu vibraciju istine).

GLOBALNA MEDITACIJA 11.11.11 u 11.11h

Želite li se pridružiti hiljadama ljudi

koji će ovoga petka imati

zajedničku meditaciju u 11:11 sati,

pozivamo vas da se priključite globalnoj meditaciji na:

SMISAO 11.11.'11

Tijekom posljednjih mjeseci, bilo je nemoguće izbjeći razne članke i Internet
blogove koji govore o datumu 11.11.'11. Diljem svijeta, ljudi će se okupljati
na ceremonijama, ritualima, meditacijama ili molitvama, u malim i velikim
grupama. Njihove kolektivne namjere imaju za cilj posaditi mir, sklad i ljubav
u svijetu.
Zašto je taj datum značajan i zašto su ti repetitivni brojevi toliko važni? Zbog
toga što se broj ponavlja tri puta, taj datum stvara vizualni marker ne samo
na kalendaru, nego i u našoj podsvijesti. Ovo je rijetka pojava koja se neće
ponoviti tijekom sljedećih stotina godina.
Naizgled, ovaj datum je samo još jedan datum na fizičkom kalendaru, no on
ima i transcendentalni aspekt vibracije brojeva. Svaka sekvenca brojeva koji
se ponavljaju ima jedinstveni smisao i moć na temelju simboličkih
numeroloških tumačenja. No brojevi 11.11.11 su posebno značajni. Broj 1
predstavlja Stvoritelja-Boga, mušku energiju koja kreće prema vanjskome
svijetu, stvarajući nove početke. Kada se taj broj ponovi, onda nastaje 11 što
je karizmatički broj koji prenosi poruku iz duhovnih dimenzija. Taj broj
visoke frekvencije ima sposobnost, putem svoje vizualne naravi, otvoriti
svjesnost kod svakoga kod nas. Otvaraju se portali koji imaju snagu
transformirati globalnu i osobnu svijest putem svete rezonancije zvuka, misli
i namjere. Za sve one koji se žele povezati s velikim energetskim poljem
kolektivnog buđenja, prenosimo dva teksta s prijedlozima kako stvoriti novu
realnost na taj datum kada će energije manifestiranja biti vrlo moćne.
od Arhanđela Metratona, Lord Merlina i Lady Portie
Obilje energije teče sada u vaše biće, dok se mi duše na unutarnjim razinama
okupljamo kako bi se povezali s vama i poduprijeli vas tijekom aktivacije
11.11.11. Mi smo kombinirane energije Arhanđela Metratona, Lorda Merlina i
Lady Portie. Arhanđel Metraton je vodeće svijetlo u ovome trenutku, Lord
Merlin je moćna duša koja pomaže u prijelazima, te pomaže u prilagodbi u
ovom posebnom trenutku, a Lady Portia djeluje kao predstavnik Božice
svjetla za transformaciju i rast. Postoje brojna bića koja sada usidravaju
svijetlo, kao što su Isus, Majka Marija, Saint Germain, Lord Melchizedek,
Lady Nady, Majstor Kuthumi, Majstor Serapis Bey i mnogi drugi. Oni svi žele
izraziti njihovu ljubav za vas i poduprijeti vas na bilo koji način na koji to
Mi smo već ušli u vrlo posebno vrijeme, razdoblje u kojem će se čovječanstvo
više probuditi istini koja se nalazi u dubini njihovih bića, postajući svjesnim
moći njihove ljubavi i mudrosti koja proizlazi iz njihove duše i svijesti – kada
to dopuste. Energetski val ojačat će i razviti vašu povezanost s i svijest o
vašoj duši, dopuštajući joj da s lakoćom procvjeta. Mnogo ljudi vjeruje da će
do novoga početka s višom svijesti doći u 2012., no to se već sada manifestira
i poduprijeto je energetskim valom i aktivacijom od 11.11.11. Važno je
zapamtiti da su svi datumi 11.11.11 i 2012. već uključeni u vašu energiju
kao ključevi za aktiviranje novih aspekata i razumijevanja vas kao kreatora.
Dopustite si da se otvorite novom energetskom valu koji se usidrava u vaše
biće, dopustite da se svi strahovi rastvore glede prihvaćanja vaše moći, i
znajte da je sada trenutak da se predate energetskom valu 11.11.11., jer će
to omogućiti energijama da postignu potpunu aktivaciju u vašem biću.
Naša je želja da vas potaknemo da se počnete povezivati s novim energetskim
valom svaki dan sve do 11.11.11., a to će značiti da će energije kulminirati na
taj datum, a vi ćete do tada već usidriti određenu vibraciju svijetla u vašem
biću, aktivirajući mudrost i svijest u vama. Vaša povezanost s novim
energetskim valom 11.11.11. će vam tada omogućiti da prihvatite višu
vibraciju svijetla, stvarajući napredniju aktivaciju unutar vašega bića, veće
znanje i spoznaju. Važno je zatražiti energetski val da se poveže s vašom
srčanom čakrom, jer će to osigurati čistoću povezanosti. Također možete
tijekom sljedećih dana zatražiti Lady Quan Yin, Majku Mariju i Lady Nadu da
rade s vašom srčanom čakrom i da očiste sve nepotrebne, stagnantne, bolne i
negativne energije iz vaše srčane čakre kako bi čistoća vašega srca omogućila
dublju i jasniju povezanost s energetskim valom.
Želimo objasniti kvalitetu energetskoga vala kako bi vam pomogli u dubljem
povezivanju i utjelovljenju energije kao kvaliteta.
Važno je zapamtiti da je to proces usidravanja ili prihvaćanja svijetla koje će
omogućiti aktivaciju u vašem biću, a svijetlo je samo alat za buđenje vašega
Ljubav iz istine
Ljubav je suština Stvoritelja, a čovječanstvo će početi shvaćati da ljubav
zaista može pomaknuti planine, iscijeliti, manifestirati se i ostvariti
savršenstvo Stvoritelja. To je ljubav od duše iz vašega bića, ljubav koju dajete
drugima ne očekivajući da nešto dobijete natrag, ljubav koja prirodno pulsira
u vašem biću. U ovom energetskom valu od 11.11.11, otkrit ćete da više ne
možete sakriti vaše svijetlo, da više ne možete biti lažni, krivo tumačiti stvari i
sakriti ono što zaista mislite. Ljubav će početi iznositi na površinu sve što je
lažno, neprikladno ili što je nastalo na strahu. Ljubav traži istinu, izvlači je iz
vašega bića i osigurava da je ona prisutna u vašoj realnosti i akcijama. Val od
11.11.11 također vas potiče da volite iz istine, da preispitate iz kojeg mjesta
volite, te je li vaša ljubav istinita i poštena ili je rođena iz vezanosti i strahova.
To je vrlo moćno, jer će to donijeti jednostavnost u vašu realnost i stavove.
Isto tako ćete uvidjeti da vaša ljubav postaje mudra i da vas potiče da idete
onim duhovnim putem koji je najprikladniji za vas. Imat ćete uvide da se
problemi i izazovi mogu riješiti uz pomoć ljubavi i istine.
Predlažemo sljedeću invokaciju kako biste prihvatili ljubav iz istine:
U nazočnosti Stvoritelja, mojih vodiča i duše, sada priznajem istinu mojega
bića. Pružite mi podršku dok povezujem energetski val 11.11.11 s mojom
srčanom čakrom, dopuštajući mojoj pažnji da ode u dubine moje duše i suštine
da aktivira i donese na površinu moju istinu. Shvaćam da ne moram nužno
razumjeti moju istinu, no tražim ako je prikladno da postanem
svjestan/svjesna vrijednih uvida. Sada se povezujem s i iznosim na površinu
moju istinu, dopuštajući vibraciji da se uskladi s mojom srčanom čakrom,
stupom čakri, tijelom i auričnim poljem. Moja je želja da iskusim vibraciju moje
istine, dopuštajući čistoj ljubavi da se aktivira iz te vibracije. Sada potpuno i
apsolutno priznajem moju istinu i ljubav koja teče iz moje istine, tražeći da se
ona na božanski način uključi u moju realnost, pod vodstvom volje Stvoritelja
od ovoga trenutka na dalje.
(Nastavite sjediti u miru, s fokusom na srcu i dišite u istinu vašega bića,
osjećajući i jednostavno priznavajući vašu vibraciju istine).
Kvaliteta otvorenosti je prvenstveno povezana sa srčanom čakrom. Kako
ulazimo u Eru ljubavi, potrebno je da otvorite vašu srčanu čakru kako biste
doživjeli više ljubavi. Ljubav može postojati svugdje oko vas, no ako je vaša
srčana čakra zatvorena, tada nećete doživjeti njezino blaženstvo i sveti utjecaj
u vašem biću. Ako je vaša srčana čakra zatvorena, možete u sebi imati
ljubavi, no za vas može biti izazov da je projicirate i da manifestirate tu ljubav
u vašoj realnosti, te da je iskusite. Važno je fokusirati se na širenju vaše
srčane čakre. Kao što smo rekli, možete zatražiti Lady Quan Yin, Lady Mary i
Lady Nadu da očiste i prošire vašu srčanu čarku, te tražeći to svaki dan i
prakticirajući zamišljanje, osjećanje i držanje namjere projiciranja ljubavi
kroz vašu srčanu čakru, a to će omogućiti da se vaša srčana čakra otvori
mimo svih ograničenja.
Kvaliteta jedinstva je moćna suština Stvoritelja, to je energija koja stalno teče
od Stvoritelja kao način da ostanemo povezani sa svim aspektima
Stvoriteljeva bića. Jedinstvo je ugrađeno u vašu vibraciju; to je nešto što
stalno tražite, bilo da se radi o jedinstvu obitelji, jedinstvu prijateljstva,
jedinstvu s vodičima ili sa Stvoriteljem. Jedna od naših najvećih misija kao
duša je da nastavimo sjedinjavati našu energiju s aspektom Stvoritelja, jer
duša zna da je to put koji vodi do potpunog jedinstva s dušom Stvoritelja.
Kvaliteta jedinstva od 11.11.11 je fokusirana na jedinstvo sa Stvoriteljem, no
glavni fokus za čovječanstvo je da među sobom i sa sobom postigne veće
jedinstvo. Mnoge duše na zemlji fokusirane su na doživljavanje odvojenosti, a
to je samo iluzija koja uzrokuje nesklad i neravnotežu. Stvoritelj želi da se
duše na Zemlji međusobno priznaju i da ujedine svoje energije u jedno. To ne
znači da se svi moraju slagati i živjeti na isti način. Civilizacija na Zemlji
može biti raznolika, ali također povezana u ljubavi.
Naprosto prihvaćajući novi energetski val i tražeći usidravanje većeg
jedinstva, možete pomoći u okupljanju vaših energija u jedinstvo, tako
manifestirajući sklad, mir i zadovoljstvo.
Mi smo Arhanđel Metraton, Lord Merlin i Lady Portia
Kanalirala Natalie Glasson 7.11.11.
Ova tehnika vrlo je jednostavna, ali moćna, pa je nemojte podcijeniti.
Univerzum će uvijek manifestirati ono što želimo, bilo svjesno ili podsvjesno.
Želimo li inicirati rezultate koje želimo i stvoriti ih – prvo ih moramo jasno
vizualizirati. Na nama je da promijenimo naša razmišljanja i način na koji
vidimo našu realnost, na nama je da pronađemo rješenja za bolju budućnost
– te da svojom voljom uvijek iznova šaljemo univerzumu pozitivne slike onoga
što želimo. Stvorite ne samo sliku vaše nove realnosti, nego čvrstu i jasnu
namjeru onoga što želite.
Tehnika se sastoji u tome da jasno napišete, u što više detalja, sve ono što
želite ostvariti. Pišite u prvom licu i na način kao da je to već ostvareno.
Uključite i sve osjećaje koji su u to uključeni.
Npr. nećete pisati: Ja želim živjeti u prekrasnoj prirodi i osjećati se…
Nego pišite: Živim u prekrasnoj prirodi i osjećam se…
Tajna tehnike se sastoji u tome da se svakodnevno, svjesno i uz pomoć vaše
volje i namjere, ponovno usklađujete s ovom slikom vaše nove, više realnosti,
ne dopuštajući negativnim impresijama da preplave vaš um.
Globalna meditacija 11.11. u 11:11 sati
Želite li se pridružiti tisućama ljudi koji će ovoga petka zajednički meditirati u
11:11 sati, pozivamo vas da se priključite globalnoj meditaciji na:
Ovaj mjesec u sekciji Besplatnog downloada, čeka vas članak o tome Kako
obnoviti vašu originalnu božansku matricu, te Ljudska DNK je biološki
Internet na
Do sljedećega Newslettera, srdačni pozdravi,
Katarina Supičić
Preporučite i svojim prijateljima web stranicu Transformativa i prijavu na
Za odjavu s mailing liste pošaljite prazan mail na, a u
predmet (subject) maila, stavite «Odjava s Newslettera».

Friday, November 4, 2011


(Pravila ponašanja reikista)- cela verzija

Praktikanti Reikija se kad tad moraju susreti sa pitanjima kao što su; šta je to kodex, odnosno način ponašanja u Reikiju, šta je to etika i da li svako od nas poštuje i priznaje te kategorije. Obično, bez obzira iz koje su škole, praktikanti vole reći da rade Tradicionalni Reiki. Ta im rečenica na neki način daje sigurnost da nisu skrenuli sa puta Reikija i time se sve završava. Neki od njih možda ni ne znaju što to znaci Tradicionalni Reiki (Usui Shiki Ryoho) i što se pod tim podrazumijeva. To se odnosi na reikiste I, II, III stepena. Stoga predlažem svima da preispitaju svoje poimanje Reikija i da sami ustanove da li se kreću u okvirima takvog kodeksa i etike. Postoji kodeks koji je usvojen od majstora učitelja i koji je vrlo star. I sama gospođa Furumoto razmišlja o tome u dogovoru sa ostalim majstorima, i pokušavala prodrijeti u mudrost i odgovora na pitanje da li je došlo vrijeme za promjenu tog kodeksa ili bi se i dalje trebalo pridržavati onog starog. Svakako da se čovjek današnjice uspinje ka većoj svjesnosti i postoji mogućnost da ga postojeći kodeks na neki način može sputavati, ali svakako da je s druge strane dobro da postoji i da praktikantima pokazuje smjernice. Što to znači u praksi - pokušaćemo odgovor naći u daljnjem tekstu.


1. Prvo i osnovno, da bismo uopšte mogli koračati istim putem jeste pretpostavka da smo jednaki. Dakle sva prava koja dajem sebi, moram dati i drugima. To se odnosi i na sve kategorije života a gledajući uže, odnosi se i na Reiki. Prihvatam jednakost i poštujem pravo svakog pojedinca na njegovo samoodređenje, vjeroispovjest te izražavanje slobodne volje. Prije nego što praktično i životno usvojimo ovakav način razmišljanja, jasno da moramo zauzeti svoj potpuno jasan stav o svim životnim pitanjima koja su nam ponuđena a to su između ostalih; jednako prihvatanje svih ljudi bez obzira na boju kože, pol, društveni status, fizički izgled, zdravstveno stanje, sve vidove opredjeljenja i mnoga druga koja ovdje nisu navedena.

2. Kako Reikiju pristupamo sa nivoa svoje sadašnje svijesti, tako ga i poimamao. Stoga je dobro da odlučimo da ćemo prema tom poimanju i svojoj savjesti te načelima Reikija, poučavati i pomagati svima onima koji to iskreno žele i traže. Iako bi se o ovom članu kodeksa moglo dosta napisati i nebi nam bio dovoljan ovaj prostor; ipak bi trebalo napomenuti nekoliko slučajeva. Jedno od njih je da bi morali poštovati svačiji odabir vrste i metode liječenja pa čak i poštovati njihovu odluku da se ne liječe ni na koji način, ukoliko je to njihov odabir. U praksi, često nagovaramo druge da poduzmu nešto, preporučujemo im Reiki kao način rješavanja njihovih problema, pa ima slučajeva kada zaboravimo na ovaj članak kodeksa pa pretjeramo u nagovaranjima i uvjeravanjima kako je Reiki pravi i jedini način, te uvjereni kako je to dobro za njih; uguravamo im Reiki energiju protiv njihove istinske volje.

3. Kako se ni jedan pojam ovog kodeksa ne može razmatrati pojedinačno , a da nije povezan sa mnogim drugim pojmovima, može se samo spomenuti kako bi morali voditi računa da svako naše djelovanje bude usmjereno ne samo za dobro svakog pojedinca, već i za opštu dobrobit svih drugih ljudi i planete Zemlje. To znači da se odlučujem raditi na cjelovitosti, pripadnosti i povezanosti nas kao ljudskih bića sa jedinstvenim životnim poljem planete Zemlje i cjelokupnog Univeruma. Svjesno odlučujem na svaki mogući način poštovati to polje koje daje život meni i svakom drugom obliku postojanja. Čuvaću prirodu i moja djelovanja će biti usmjerena očuvanju životne okoline u kojem živimo i ni na koji svjesni način je neću povrijediti.

4. Kao životnu odrednicu prihvatam načela Reikija i prema njima ću nastojati živjeti. Paziću na svoje ponašanje prema svojim učenicima, kolegama i svim ostalim ljudima. Prvenstveno ću raditi na svom ličnom rastu i razvoju te iz takvih rezultata vlastitim primjerom prenositi Reiki s ljubavlju i mudrošću koja mi je u tim okolnostima data.


1. Ono što se odnosi i na majstore učitelje ali i na ostale praktikante Reikija je da se pridržavamo formi Usui Sisitema uvažavajući i svoj lični doprinos kroz samorazvoj. Ovaj kodeks podrazumijeva između ostalog da prenosimo Reiki onako kako smo ga primili, da se odnostimo prema primaocima s puno ljudskog razumijevanja, da ne pokleknemo izazovima Ega te da uvažavamo iskustvo starijih reikista, poštujemo mišljenje svoga Reiki majstora učitelja ali i svih ostalih praktikanata.

2. Da poštujemo i čuvamo svetost tajne suštine i forme inicijacije i simbola. Nažalost, očevici smo objavljivanja knjiga sa jasno isrcrtanim simbolima, opisivanjem Reiki inicijacija i mnogih drugih pojava koje su u suprotnosti sa ovim pojmom Kodeksa. Upravo zbog nepoštivanja ovog Kodeksa u praksi je bilo slučajeva da su neki majstori inicirali ljude iako nisu bili učitelji a to znači da nisu niti poznavali način inicijacije pa su neke osobe završavale u zdravstvenim ustanovama sa psihičkim problemima, strahovima i sl.

3. Prilikom iniciranja praktikanata u I stepen majstor je dužan poštovati i primjenjivati četiri inicijacije sa odredenim razmacima između njih, poučiti praktikante o istoriji Reikija, insistirati na tehnici polaganja ruku, tretmanima sebe i drugih, podučiti ih duhovnim Reiki načelima, te održati kurs u trajanju od najmanje dva dana.

4. Iako će o cijeni tečaja biti još riječi, za I i II stupanj nebi smjelo biti nikakvog cjenjkanja i cijena bi trebala prema već spomenutom Kodeksu iznositi za I stepen 150$ a za II stepen 500$. O ovom Kodeksu će se još sigurno puno raspravljati, no on je takav kakav je i ovdje je napisan prema izvornom obliku. Vrlo dobro znamo da mnogi majsori učitelji takve tečajeve održavaju po znatno nižim cijenama, možda u želji da što više ljudi dobiju Reiki iako postoje i drugi razlozi koji mogu biti čak čisto komercijalni. Kada su gospodju Furumoto upitali za to i objasnili joj da je kupovna moć ljudi u srednje razvijenim ili nerazvijenim zemljama daleko manja nego li u razvijenim zemljama, odgovorila je protupitanjem; "A ko kaže da npr. u Srbiji, Bosni, Hrvatskoj mora biti toliko puno reikista ili majstora učitelja?". Dobro bi bilo da o tome svi razmislimo, jer brojnosti ne znači i kvalitet, pa se može dogoditi da upravo u toj masovnosti leži razlog što Reiki sve više gubi svoju tradicionalnost.

5. U drugi stepen bi Reiki majstor učitelj mogao inicirati praktikanta koji je prakticirao Reiki barem tri mjeseca nakon primanja I stepena. Trebao bi ispoštovati tradiciju jedne integralne inicijacije, savjesno i svim svojim znanjem upoznati praktikante sa načinom crtanja simbola i mantri, upoznati ih sa načinom uporabe i osvrnuti se na značaj očuvanja njihove svetosti i tajnosti. Kako je II stepen po mome mišljenju vrlo opširan, majstor, već prema svome znanju i savjesti treba ih praktično izvodeći simulaciju, podučiti u kojim slučajevima se koji simbol upotrebljava i na koji način, kako bi kasnije praktikanti doista i praktikovati tehniku II stepena. Naime, ima dosta slučajeva da osobe završe II stepena ali ga u praksi ne upotrebljavaju. Da li je tome razlog što ga ne poznaju dovoljno ili možda strah - teško je reći, ali ja ličnoo mislim da za to nisu dovoljno izučeni i da mjastor nije insistirao da ga praktično rade, što bi svakako trebalo. Seminar II stepena bi se trebao održavati u trajanju od najmanje 4 dana.

6. Obuka majstora dolazi iz prepoznavanja i iskustva, vremena i zrelosti u svom vlastitom majstorstvu da se nekoga inicira u majstora. Potrebno je dobro poznavanje kandidata u kojem će majstor učitelj prepoznati najpovoljnije vrijeme, uz prethodno zadovoljavanje svih ostalih uslova kao što su; da li kanditat održava jasan odnos prema svom majstoru, da li je u prethodnom razdoblju imao iscjeliteljskih iskustava, i da li je proteklo dovoljno vremena kako bi se usavršio u prethodnom (drugom) stepenu. U pravilu bi se najprije trebalo prema Kodeksu kanditata inicirati u majstora tek nakon jednogodišnjeg rada i učenja uz svog majstora i to jednom integralnom inicijacijom sa majstorskim simbolom. Tek inicirani majstori učitelji bi u početku trebali inicirati i podučavati kandidate za I stepen, nakon izvjesnog vremena u II stepen, a tek nakon tri godine bi mogli inicirati u majstore.
Kandidat treba izvršiti obvezu prema svom majstoru u iznosu od 10.000 $. Majstor učitelj može procijeniti što znači vrijednost od 10.000 $ za kandidata, pa ukoliko tu punu vrijednost nije moguće izraziti u novcu, može se izraziti u nekoj drugoj energiji, npr. možemo postaviti uslov kandidatu za majstora da vam asistira, ili da radi Reiki za opšte dobro, ili da dragovoljno učestvuje u ispomoći npr. u zdravstvenim ustanovama ili staračkim domovima i da se na taj način nadoknadi energija u navedenoj vrijednosti.

Takođe je u praksi moguće da vas inicijaciju zatraže praktikanti koji su neki od stepeni već završili kod nekog drugog majstora učitelja, Da biste sačuvali svetost i čistoću, te jasan odnos prema drugim kolegama (reiki majstorima) potrebno je uputiti kandidata svom prethodnom majstoru kako bi od njega primio blagoslov i otpust. Mi lično bismo isto tako morali dati svome učeniku takav bezuslovni blagoslov ukoliko učenik želi primiti višu inicijaciju kod nekog drugog majstora.


Etika se odnosi najviše na naš odnos prema takozvanim primaocima, odnosno osobama koje traže naše tretmane. Trebali bismo zaštititi njihov lični dignitet, držati u tajnosti sve probleme koje su nam povjerili i biti tolerantni na sve ostale sisteme iscjeljivanja, te ne mješanje u sistemske odredbe zvanične medicine.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Vesna Mladjenovic - Božanska harmonija pokreta, knjiga

Izasla je korisna knjiga za sve koji vole tai chi, reiki .......autorka, Vesna, to je moja dugogdisnja prijateljica, veliki čovek, duhovna osoba, koja je nesebičana, daje podršku, savjete i imamo neiscrpne teme.....
Cijena je oko 10 eura

Sunday, October 9, 2011


(Pravila ponašanja reikista)

Ja inicirani reikista prihvatam:.


1. Prvo i osnovno, da bismo uopšte mogli koračati istim putem jeste pretpostavka da smo jednaki. Dakle sva prava koja dajem sebi, moram dati i drugima. To se odnosi i na sve kategorije života a gledajući uže, odnosi se i na Reiki. Prihvatam jednakost i poštujem pravo svakog pojedinca na njegovo samoodređenje, vjeroispovjest te izražavanje slobodne volje. Prije nego što praktično i životno usvojimo ovakav način razmišljanja, jasno da moramo zauzeti svoj potpuno jasan stav o svim životnim pitanjima koja su nam ponuđena a to su između ostalih; jednako prihvatanje svih ljudi bez obzira na boju kože, pol, društveni status, fizički izgled, zdravstveno stanje, sve vidove opredjeljenja i mnoga druga koja ovdje nisu navedena.

2. Kako Reikiju pristupamo sa nivoa svoje sadašnje svijesti, tako ga i poimamao. Stoga je dobro da odlučimo da ćemo prema tom poimanju i svojoj savjesti te načelima Reikija, poučavati i pomagati svima onima koji to iskreno žele i traže. Iako bi se o ovom članu kodeksa moglo dosta napisati i nebi nam bio dovoljan ovaj prostor; ipak bi trebalo napomenuti nekoliko slučajeva. Jedno od njih je da bi morali poštovati svačiji odabir vrste i metode liječenja pa čak i poštovati njihovu odluku da se ne liječe ni na koji način, ukoliko je to njihov odabir. U praksi, često nagovaramo druge da poduzmu nešto, preporučujemo im Reiki kao način rješavanja njihovih problema, pa ima slučajeva kada zaboravimo na ovaj članak kodeksa pa pretjeramo u nagovaranjima i uvjeravanjima kako je Reiki pravi i jedini način, te uvjereni kako je to dobro za njih; uguravamo im Reiki energiju protiv njihove istinske volje.

3. Kako se ni jedan pojam ovog kodeksa ne može razmatrati pojedinačno , a da nije povezan sa mnogim drugim pojmovima, može se samo spomenuti kako bi morali voditi računa da svako naše djelovanje bude usmjereno ne samo za dobro svakog pojedinca, već i za opštu dobrobit svih drugih ljudi i planete Zemlje. To znači da se odlučujem raditi na cjelovitosti, pripadnosti i povezanosti nas kao ljudskih bića sa jedinstvenim životnim poljem planete Zemlje i cjelokupnog Univeruma. Svjesno odlučujem na svaki mogući način poštovati to polje koje daje život meni i svakom drugom obliku postojanja. Čuvaću prirodu i moja djelovanja će biti usmjerena očuvanju životne okoline u kojem živimo i ni na koji svjesni način je neću povrijediti.

4. Kao životnu odrednicu prihvatam načela Reikija i prema njima ću nastojati živjeti. Paziću na svoje ponašanje prema svojim učenicima, kolegama i svim ostalim ljudima. Prvenstveno ću raditi na svom ličnom rastu i razvoju te iz takvih rezultata vlastitim primjerom prenositi Reiki s ljubavlju i mudrošću koja mi je u tim okolnostima data.


1. Ono što se odnosi i na majstore učitelje ali i na ostale praktikante Reikija je da se pridržavamo formi Usui Sisitema uvažavajući i svoj lični doprinos kroz samorazvoj. Ovaj kodeks podrazumijeva između ostalog da prenosimo Reiki onako kako smo ga primili, da se odnostimo prema primaocima s puno ljudskog razumijevanja, da ne pokleknemo izazovima Ega te da uvažavamo iskustvo starijih reikista, poštujemo mišljenje svoga Reiki majstora učitelja ali i svih ostalih praktikanata.

2. Takođe je u praksi moguće da se zbog udaljenosti učitelja, nemogućnosti ili spriječenosti neke, inicijaciju zatražite kod nekog drugog majstora učitelja. Da biste sačuvali svetost i čistoću, te jasan odnos prema drugim reiki majstorima i svome učitelju potrebno je da od svog prethodnog majstora učitelja tražite i primite blagoslov i otpust .da bi nastavili napredovanje u reikiju sa drugim majstorom učiteljom.


Etika se odnosi najviše na naš odnos prema takozvanim primaocima, odnosno osobama koje traže naše tretmane. Trebali bismo zaštititi njihov lični dignitet, držati u tajnosti sve probleme koje su nam povjerili i biti tolerantni na sve ostale sisteme iscjeljivanja, te ne mješanje u sistemske odredbe zvanične medicine.

U _______________ dana ____________g.

Ja, inicirani Majstor –učitelj

_________________ __________________

Saturday, October 1, 2011




Incijacija i obuka


1. Uvod. Šta je reiki?univerzalna kosmička energija!
2. Funkcije reikija
3. Energetski sistem čovjeka. Čakre. Kundalini, Meridijani
4. Struktura i stepeni reikija
5. Istorija reikija
6. Osnovi iscjeljivanja reikijem, polaganje ruku „Kako iscjeliti duh i tijelo“!
7. Pojam Aure. Gladjenje i čišćenje aure.
8. Gassho
9. Praktična tehnika samoiscjeljivanja i iscjeljivanaj drugih osoba
10. Upotreba reikija za iscjeljivanje životinja i biljaka
11. Upotreba reikija za energizovanje hrane, pića, atmosfere
12. Tehnika reiki tuša. Zaštita nas samih kao terapeuta.
13. Pojam meditacije i upotreba afirmacija
14. Tehnika iscjeljivanja u zoni pupka
15. Tehnika detoksikacije
16. Pravila kad se NE radi i kako se NE radi reiki tretman.
17. Pet načela reikija
18. Dodjela Diploma


Inicijacija i obuka je

1. Uvod. Iscjeljivanje izvan prostora i vremena
2. Prvi simbol-uloga, značaj, upotreba
3. Drugi simbol-uloga, značaj, upotreba
4. Treći simbol-uloga, značaj, upotreba
5. Iscjeljivanje na udaljenost
6. Karma. Iscjeljivanje prošlosti i konfliktih sitaucija
7. Reiki kutija
8. Tehnika deprogramiranja
9. Prednosti drugog stepena reikija
10. Čišćenje prostora
11. Samotretman i tertman drugih osoba s drugim stepenom
12. Čišćenje i punjenje i programiranje talismana i kristala i nakita
13. Davanje reikija osobama na samrti i umrlim osobama
14. Čićenje prošlosti-sadašnjosti i budućnosti
15. Razrješavanje nekog konfliktnog odnosa s nekim
16. Tehnika oslobadjanja zavisnosti od osoba, roditelja, droge, duvana, alkohola, životinja
17. Rastvaranje negativnih misli
18. Posesivna ljubavna veza
19. Energizacija predmeta, automobila
20. Kako spremati ispit, imati koncentraciju i lakše pamtiti
21. Kako smršati?
22. Celulit
23. Kako tretirati ranu?
24. Iščašen zglob, sportska povreda, tretiranje
25. Žena vam radja dijete ili neko vam se drag poradja, slanje reikija bebi i majci
26. Tretman tumora
27. Bolne menstruacije
28. Pet načela reikija
29. Dodjela diploma


Inicijacije i obuka

1. Treći stepen reikija-Daljnji rast kroz svjetlost iz viših dimenzija.Maksimalna upotraba tehnika naučenih na prvom i drugom stepeni Reikija.
2. Majstorski simbol- uloga, značaj, upotreba
3. Ostvarivanje jastva višeg vodjstva
4. Spajanje sa sviješću viših dimenzija
5. Pročišćenje svjetlom, meditacijom
6. Meditacija stvaranja novih programa zdravlja
7. Razumjevanje suštine značenja svih simbola i njihovo prevazilaženje
8. Meditacija privlačenja novca
9. Analiza pet osnovnih reiki principa
10. Razmišljanja, osjećanja, postupci
11. Neke tradicionalne tehnike iscjeljenja
12. Molitva za univerzalni mir
13. Reiki krug
14. Dodjela diploma


Inicijacija i obuka

1. Sposobnost i uloga reiki učitelja
2. Značaj stalne prakse i učenja
3. Učiteljski simbol-značaj, uloga i upotreba
4. Pripreme za inicijaciju polaznika
5. Metodičke Tehnike inicijacije za svaki stepen posebno
6. Reinicijacija
7. Značaj Gassho
8. Aura-čišćenje, gladjenje, značaj svega toga
9. Meditacija sa povezivanjem energije svemira i zemlje
10. Reiki i DNK. Tehnika deprogramiranja i programiranja DNK.
11. Stvaranje novih programa života. Jačanje enrgetskih kanala.
12. Meditacija izobilja i prosperiteta
13. Meditacija jačanja samopoštovanja
14. Oblačenje svoga svjetlosnog tijela
15. Reiki kristalna mreža
16. Meditacija „ Ja jesam“
17. Vodjenje evidencije iniciranih i evidencija pacijenata
18. Potpisivanje Kodeksa reiki učitelja i dodjela Diploma

Program rada i obuke sekcije „REIKI“ u Udurženju ZA ZDRAV ŽIVOT I EKOLOGIJU SVIJESTI“ Šamac donešen i jednoglasno prihvaćen na Skupštini udurženja održanoj 02.09.2011. Po završenoj teoretskoj i praktičnoj obuci inicirani reikista dobija certifikat udurženja po osnovu članova 9.i 15. Statuta Udruženja.


Šamac, 02.09.2011.
predsjednik Skupštine: Marijana Jerinić, prof.

Predsjednik Udurženja

Mr sci. Slobodan Maslić

Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Vesna Mlađenović


Prirodni načini isceljenja
univerzalnom životnom energijom

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Priprema prostora za Reiki

Kao što znate, Reiki možemo raditi uvijek i na svakom mjestu. Dovoljno je otvoriti srce i započeti s tretmanom. Često se pitamo da li je potrebno još nešto? Kako bismo mogli pojačati tretmane? Mišljenja sam da su čisto srce i dobra namjera najvažniji faktori. Za postizanje što boljih rezultata u vlastitom iscjeljenju i razvoju ili, općenito, postizanju što bolje kvalitete života, poželjno je pored Reikija primjenjivati i druge "tehnike" koje pridonose podizanju svjesnosti (tu u prvom redu mislim na razne vrste meditacija i vježbi za poboljšanje svjesne pažnje). Za mene je Reiki u prvom redu duhovna disciplina, a mogućnost iscjeljivanja samo je jedan od njegovih aspekata. Kao što znamo, Reiki je univerzalna kozmička energija i uvijek radi ono što je najbolje za nas, ali pri tome poštuje našu svijest i slobodnu volju.

Tako, ako odlučimo da ćemo ga koristiti samo za iscjeljivanje bolesti ili raznih poteškoća kao što su glavobolja, mamurluk i slično, onda ćemo to i dobiti. Ali ako ga pozovemo da djeluje i na višim razinama i dozvolimo mu da se uključi u sve pore našega svjesnog i nesvjesnog postojanja, božanska lila ili igra može otpočeti. U prethodna dva broja Reiki obavijesti objavili smo nešto više materijala o meditaciji i mantrama, a ovaj smo se put odlučili pozabaviti prostorom u kojem primjenjujemo Reiki. O samoj se temi u toku seminara ne stigne previše kazati jer uvijek postoje "važnije" stvari, ali mislim da neke od sljedećih sugestija možete sa uspjehom primijeniti tijekom seansi Reikija.
Na tečaju ste već čuli da je poželjno da se i vi i onaj koga tretirate nalazite u ugodnom položaju. Najugodnije je raditi ako imamo stol za masažu i udobnu stolicu. Dobro je imati pokrivač kojim ćemo utopliti drugu osobu, jastuk koji ćemo joj staviti pod glavu, a po potrebi i pod noge (ispod pregiba koljena), te paketić papirnatih maramica. Temperatura sobe ne bi trebala biti niža od 210C stupnja i poželjno je da vas tijekom samog tretmana nitko ne uznemirava. Pored ovih osnovnih uputa ima još nekoliko ideja kako da samu prostoriju učinite što ugodnijom. Prvi dojam o Reikiju, a i o vama, često je vezan uz prostoriju. Razni ljudi percipiraju stvari na raznim razinama. Tako su neki više vizualni, drugi auditivni, a treći kinestetički ili emocionalni tipovi. Vizualni ćemo kriterij zadovoljiti time da soba bude čista i uredna. Rasvjeta ne bi trebala biti prejaka i hladna kao što je svjetlo koje daju neonske svjetiljke. U auditivnom bi se pogledu moglo preporučiti da glazba koju puštate, ne bude preglasna ili da previše ne razdražuje. Danas je svima lako dostupan čitav niz odličnih kazeta s glazbom koja opušta. Dobro je da muzika bude što neutralnija. Katkada se neka vrsta glazbe vama može činiti genijalnom (na primjer, tibetanske mantre, neprestalno ponavljanje jedne te iste mantre ili pak neka muzika zen ugođaja), a da nekoga drugoga ta ista glazba jednostavno "izluđuje". Zato, ako ne poznate drugu osobu, stavite što neutralniju glazbu. I treće, ako tretmane uvijek radite u istoj sobi (još bolje na istom mjestu), ta energija ostaje i dalje prisutna u tom prostoru pa on samim tim postaje ugodan za rad. U vezi s meditacijom meditantima se savjetuje da po mogućnosti meditiraju svaki dan u isto vrijeme i na istom mjestu (čak i da budu uvijek okrenuti prema istoj strani svijeta sjeveru ili istoku). Tko je imao prilike boraviti u prostorijama u kojima se intenzivno obavljala duhovna praksa, znat će o čemu pišem.

Ukoliko se nađete u novom prostoru za rad ili općenito u nekom novom prostoru u kojem ćete dulje vremena boraviti, dobro ga je prvo očistiti i napuniti Reikijem. Pored Reikija, za čišćenje prostora postoje još neke vrlo dobre metode, a meni ih je osobno najdraže koristiti sve istovremeno. Vjerovatno vam je poznato da je po tradicionalnoj podjeli sve sastavljeno od pet elemenata (zemlja, voda, vatra, zrak i eter). Tako u šali kažem da prvo treba obaviti čišćenje vodom, to jest vodom i deterdžentom. Dakle čitav prostor treba detaljno očistiti, a po potrebi i obojiti. Ostale stvari koje koristim spadale bi više pod redovito održavanje. Tu na prvo mjesto dolaze mirisni štapići. Pjevajući mantre (uglavnom se služim Mahamritunjaya mantrom*), obiđem čitavu prostoriju (posebno uglove) i ostavim štapić da izgori do kraja. Prilikom obilaska sobe obično koristim i maleno zvonce.** Soba je cijelo to vrijeme zatvorena. Poslije nekog vremena prostoriju što bolje prozračim.***
Prilikom samog tretmana možda je bolje izbjegavati uporabu ovako jakih mirisa jer tretiranoj osobi mogu smetati, ali se onda mogu koristiti eterična ulja. Pored stvaranja dobroga ugođaja, sva ova sredstva imaju i antibakterijsko djelovanje. Isto mi je tako u prostoru u kojem radim ugodnije ako imam i mali oltar. Na njemu se, osim Guruove slike, obično nalazi još poneka fotografija svetih ljudi, brončani kipići (koji puta i drveni ili kristalni), cvijeće, svijeća i kristali. Oltar je tu u prvom redu radi mene. Uz njegovu se prisutnost osjećam još ugodnije, a atmosfera je duhovnija i svečanija. Slike svetaca imaju svoju vibraciju (često njihove fotografije zrače jače od kristala) i njihov utjecaj na ljude ne bi trebalo zanemariti. Dešavalo se da se ljudima ukazao neki svetac ili pak da su ga sanjali ne znajući o kome se radi, a onda bi ga "slučajno" ugledali na oltaru ili zidu sobe u kojoj su primali Reiki. Uz još neke druge stvari, cvijeće, svijeća i štapić nezaobilazni su sastavni dio svakog oltara, ali njihovo obredno značenje nećemo posebno obrađivati. Ako i nemate oltar preporučio bih vam da za vrijeme tretmana, kao i inače prilikom duhovne prakse, držite upaljenu svijeću. Otvoreni plamen odličan je za čišćenje prostora. Uostalom, nije slučajno da se u mnogim kulturama pojavljuje kult vatre, a vatra se u različitim oblicima upotrebljava u vjerskim obredima (kod šamana, u hinduističkim obredima, pale se u crkvama i na grobljima). Jednom sam prilikom čuo da vatra nema svoju dušu, ali da služi kao most što povezuje razinu na kojoj smo sada s višim duhovnim razinama. Uostalom, mogli smo i sami uočiti da se, gori li u nekoj prostoriji vatra u kaminu, upravo oko nje smješta većina prisutnih. Kristali su tu zato da pomognu vlastitom energijom, ali isto tako i zato da se napune pozitivnom energijom koju onda zrače u prostor. Što se prostora tiče, to bi bilo to. Nema više.


Prostor nije jedina stvar na koju treba obratiti pažnju. Ostalo je još nešto puno važnije od prostora, a to smo mi sami. Sljedeće se napomene odnose prvenstveno na rad s Reikijem prvog stupnja ili s Reikijem drugog stupnja s (fizičkim) dodirom. Prva stvar koju treba znati jest da prije tretmana treba dobro oprati ruke, i to sapunom. Naime, miris češnjaka ili motora vašeg automobila ne mora biti ugodan osobi kojoj upravo tretirate oči. Isto tako nakon tretmana operite ruke u tekućoj vodi. Radeći Reiki, mi smo samo kanal pa tokom tretmana ne dolazi do razmjene energije između vas i tretirane osobe, ali su vaši dlanovi stalno u doticaju s osobom i njezinom aurom. Ta činjenica sama po sebi nije opasna, ali ju je dobro imati na umu, pogotovo kada tretirate više osoba za redom pa je dobro nakon svakog tretmana oprati ruke tako što ćemo hladnu vodu pustiti da nam nekoliko minuta teče niz dlanove. Nadalje, pripazite da ne upotrebljavate parfeme, pogotovo ne one s intenzivnim mirisom. Svaki miris ima svoju poruku i svaka ga osoba doživljava na svoj način. Općenito treba biti što "neutralniji" i uvijek imati na umu da ste samo kanal kroz koji prolazi Reiki energija. Jedna od stvari koju napominjem na tečajevima jest da je čovjeka poslije tretmana dobro ostaviti da leži još koju minutu, a onda ga u miru poslati kući. Dugački razgovori nakon tretmana nisu preporučljivi jer odvajaju od netom proživljenog iskustva Reikija i racionalizacijom često usmjeruju energiju u krivom smjeru. Osim toga dugački razgovori (naročito nakon tretmana) mogu iscrpiti obojicu, a pogotovo terapeuta.

Primjenjujući Reiki, vjerovatno ste zapazili kako i u svakodnevnom životu postajete osjetljiviji i intuitivniji. Određeni događaji koje prije niste zamjećivali ili im niste pridavali
važnost, polako postaju uočljiviji. Možete spoznavati procese na dubljim razinama i uočavati kontinuitet događaja te igru uzroka i posljedice (zakon karme). Osjetljiviji ste na ljude i stvari koji vas okružuju, situacije u kojima se nalazite i energije s kojima se susrećete. Jednom riječju postajete svjesniji. Zato vam skrećem pažnju na to da bi te promjene bilo dobro popratiti i nekim praktičnim promjenama u svakodnevnom
životu. Procesima koji se događaju na višim razinama treba omogućiti i da se odraze na ovoj "najgrubljoj" fizičkoj razini. U sklopu osobne higijene (na mentalnim bi razinama to bila meditacija i slično) bilo bi dobro obratiti pažnju na tjelesnu čistoću gledajući na to posve s energetskog stajališta. Dobro je redovito se tuširati te, zajedno s otjecanjem vode, osjetiti kako ona čisti i vaše energetsko tijelo, kako s njom odlaze napetosti i višak nepotrebne energije koju ste prikupili tokom dana. Kupanje u moru ima silno povoljan utjecaj na auru (aura se čisti u morskoj vodi). U ovim se zimskim danima dobro povremeno okupati u kadi, pri čemu ja u vodi rastopim šaku morske soli. U ovoj otopini ostanite između dvadeset minuta i pola sata. (Uostalom, i kristale čistimo u slanoj vodi). Nadalje, poznato je da nakupljene negativne energije uglavnom otpuštamo kroz noge. Stoga, kada ste nervozni i napeti osim pranja ruku, kako sam prije već spomenuo, dobro je pod tušem oprati noge, (ako to već ne možemo učiniti s čitavim tijelom). Također bih vam, iz istoga ovog razloga, preporučio da svakodnevno mijenjate čarape. Pazite na hranu koju jedete i pića koja pijete. Duh i tijelo su dijelovi istog sustava ili, kako su stari Grci govorili: "U zdravom tijelu zdrav duh".****
Također bi bilo važno održavati što bolji kontakt sa zemljom. Današnji način života uključuje pretežno "glavu". Pored toga, stalno se vozimo u automobilima, hodamo po asfaltu, jedemo konzerviranu i prekuhanu, zapravo, mrtvu hranu. Kad još tome pridodamo i meditaciju koja je sama po sebi dobra, ali većina tehnika meditacija aktivira uglavnom više energetske centre, vjerovatno smo stalno u oblacima (ili u teškim problemima svakodnevnog života od kojih najbolji bijeg nalazimo u oblacima ili u televiziji). Da bismo unijeli koliko toliko ravnoteže u život, dobro je što više ići u prirodu i pokušati ostvariti što dublji kontakt s njom. Hodajte bosi po plažama i po livadama. Prolazite kroz šume osjećajući stabla i bilje oko sebe. U budističkim samostanima postoje vrtovi u kojima redovnici obrađuju polja. Razlozi tome nisu samo ekonomske prirode. Svrha je više u bavljenju zemljom i održavanju kontakta s njom. (Kao što znamo tamo se primjenjuje višesatna i vrlo naporna praksa meditacije, a ovo je određena protuteža).
Vjerojatno znate da je i kristale dobro povremeno ostaviti na zemlji da bi i iz nje crpili energiju.

Pored svega ovoga možete raditi sve one lijepe stvari koje će vas činiti zadovoljnima i koje će se povoljno odražavati na vas i na ljude oko vas. Budite kreativni u iznalaženju načina da život učinite ljepšim i korisnijim. Za sebe, za one koje volite i za sve nas koji s vama dijelimo ovaj prostor u ovom vremenu.

Autor: Ivan Petrić Lektor: Divina Marion

* Om trayambakam yaja mahe sughandim pushti vardhanam / Urvarukmeva bandanat mrityor mukshaya mamritat
ili u prijevodu: Nudimo molitvu (bogoslužje) Trayambakeshvaru (iscjeljujućem Šivinom aspektu). Budimo oslobođeni od okova smrti i rođenja. Neka nas ne snađu bolest i smrt.
** U određenim obredima (puja) u Indiji i na Tibetu osim zvonca koriste se i školjke za trubljenje i mali bubnjevi drumaru (poznati kao bubnjevi koje koristi sam Šiva), a posebno su namijenjeni za istjerivanje negativnih energija i zlih duhova. Pored obredne funkcije, poznato je da određeni zvukovi, pogotovo zvuci tibetanskih zvona i "posuda" imaju jak utjecaj na otvaranje pojedinih energetskih središta u tijelu.
*** Uglavnom koristim štapiće načinjene od prirodnih sastojaka (parfimirani su uglavnom jeftiniji i jačeg mirisa, ali uvjerenja sam da je utjecaj prirodnih ekstrakata na auru mnogo povoljniji). Postoje i izuzetno jaki štapići koji se u Indiji koriste kod događanja na otvorenom prostoru, ali njih preporučujem samo za najtvrokornije "štapićoljupce". Susretao sam se i s kađenjem kakvo koriste sjevernoamerički Indijanci. Oni u velikoj školjci Petrovo uho zapale osušene biljke i kružnim pokretima perom razpršuju dim po sobi. Glavna trava koju koriste je kadulja, a pored nje još dosta koriste i ružmarin, cedar i borovicu. Vrlo je dobar i svima poznati tamjan.
**** Kao i kod nas, mladi Grci o tome vjerovatno nisu vodili mnogo računa sve dok nisu ostarjeli pa su ih, nažalost, spopale razne bolesti. Kod nas se kaže da vrč ide na vodu dok se ne razbije.

Kada ne radimo reiki tretman

Kada ne radimo reiki tretman

U 90 % slučajeva bez ikakve bojazni možemo radidi reiki sebi i drugima. No svaki reiki praktičar trebao bi znati i sljedeće izuzetke
•Reiki ne radimo ženama kada su u fazi mjesečnice
•Reiki ne dajemo ljudima tijekom operacija ( reiki narkozu vidi kao agresora i vrlo je često neutralizira)
•Reiki se ne daje osobama u fazi transplatacije krvi
•Reiki se radi RAŠIRENIM prstima ukoliko je osoba pod povišenom temperaturom
•Reiki se šećernim bolesnicima započinje OD STOPALA
•Reiki ne dajemo trudnicama u poodmakloj dobi ili pred sam porod ( postoje tehnike kojima to ipak možemo ali za to je potrebno veće iskustvo)
•Reiki ne dajemo osobama koje imaju ugrađeni pacemaker (mogao bi ga zaustaviti)
•Djeci se reiki daje u trajanju jednakom njihovim godinama. To znači da djetetu od 5 godina tretman traje 5 minuta od 10 godina 10 minuta itd.. Za jako malu djecu ( ispod godinu dana starosti) reiki otvorimo, propustimo energiju ( 10 sekundi max.) i odmah zatvorimo
•Pazite da osobe kojima radite tretman ne nose sat
•Reiki ne radimo protiv nečije volje ( izuzetak su slučajevi kod psihički neuračunljivih osoba i osoba koje imaju skrbnika zbog nemogučnosti vlastitog rasuđivanja -starost npr. mala djeca isl. )
•Reiki ne radimo ukoliko nas netko ne zatraži za njega

Kako se ne radi reiki tretman

Kako se ne radi reiki tretman

Kada radite tretman imajte na umu nekoliko osnovnih pravila:
- Budite čisti i uredni
- Nemojte biti nestrpljivi
- Ne unosite sebe u tretman. Ukoliko to radite prosljeđujete i svoju energiju. Pustite da Reiki odradi svoje
- Ne radite tretman neposredno prije ili za vrijeme putovanja. ( ili nekome dok vozi automobil ). Primatelj bi mogao zaspati
- Nemojte križati ruke i noge tokom tretiranja
- Nemojte križati ruke sa osobama ukoliko radite grupni tretman
- Nemojte konzumirati alkohol, droge ili sl. prije tretmana ( Pa halo, reikisti ste )
- Nemojte voditi razgovor sa tretiranom osobom dok ste na položajima glave. Primatelj bi mogao imati glavobolje.
- Nemojte pokrivati pupak dlanovima. Područje pupka je područje ki-a i blokirate energiju. inače izbjegavajte i u svakodnevnom životu stavljati ruke, stvari i sl na područje pupka

Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Svako ko je završio Reiki prvog stupnja kod nekog od učitelja naše Asocijacije čuo je na tečaju preporuku da se nakon trećeg mjeseca trudnoće trudnicu ne tretira Reikijem od struka na niže. Uz tu preporuku obično ide i sljedeće objašnjenje.
Trudnoća je prirodan proces, a Reiki je prirodan sustav koji je u svojoj biti životnopodržavajući. On će trudnoću podržati na najbolji mogući način, ili je neće podržati ako je to u skladu s božanskim planom. I sad, ako tretirate Reikijem trudnicu koja o Reikiju zna malo ili ništa i ukoliko dođe do bilo kakovih komplikacija u trudnoći, možete se dovesti u situaciju da budete nepravedno okrivljeni za te komplikacije. Ukoliko buduća majka podsvjesno iz bilo kojeg razloga ne želi ili nije spremna imati dijete i/ili joj nije dato da ima dijete iz karmičkih razloga i trudnoća se zakomplicira ili dođe do spontanog pobačaja, lakše je prstom uprijeti u nekog drugog nego se suočiti sa sobom i dubinskim uzrocima svojih želja i potreba. Ukoliko Reiki terapeut nije izučeni psihoterapeut ne preporučuje se čeprkanje po uzrocima komplikacija čak i ako mu je sve jasno.
Nakon prva tri mjeseca plod "oživi" kako se to u narodu kaže, stupanj identifikacije s trudnoćom ojača i što je trudnoća poodmaklija veća je trauma ako dođe do komplikacija. Zbog toga i zbog već iznesenih razloga daje se preporuka o netretiranju trbuha nakon trećeg mjeseca trudnoće.
Trudnoća je općenito vrlo delikatan proces i za trudnicu je to posebno ("drugo") stanje i zbog toga je koji put kod nekih trudnica bolje ne miješati se ni na koji način i ne tretirati ih Reikijem niti tokom ta prva tri mjeseca.
Procijenite od slučaja do slučaja o kakvoj se osobi radi i na osnovu toga odlučite hoćete li je ili ne tretirati Reikijem.

Naravno, to ne znači da je Reiki kontraindiciran u trudnoći. Dapače, sasvim suprotno. S vama želim podijeliti svoje iskustvo na temu trudnoće i Reikija, kao i iskustva još nekoliko trudnica reikistica.

Za mene je Reiki jedan veliki blagoslov. Trudnoću u narodu nazivaju još i blagoslovljenim stanjem, stoga, ne zvuči čudno ako kažem da sam se kao trudnica osjećala višestruko blagoslovljenom. Imala sam oboje. Reiki i trudnoća imaju još jednu zajedničku osobinu. Radi se o jedinstvenom osjećaju direktnog spoja sa Stvoriteljem. U trudnoći je žena božji suradnik u stvaranju i izgradnji života, a u Reikiju je Reikista božji suučesnik ("kanal") u vraćanju ravnoteže onome što je stvoreno i svjedok u manifestaciji božanske milosti na djelu. Ovo su činjenice, a sada malo osobnih iskustava.

Trudnoća i inicijacije
Od samog početka pa do sredine osmog mjeseca trudnoće vodila sam tečajeve i inicirala ljude u Reiki. Ni u jednom trenutku mi nije palo na pamet da bi taj veliki protok energije koji se događao tijekom inicijacija mogao naškoditi bebi. Baš obrnuto. Smatrala sam da je mjesto s kojeg duša dolazi ionako prožeto tom energijom pa da joj je prelazak na ovu grublju, materijalnu razinu zapravo iniciranjem tj. kanaliziranjem Reikija olakšan. Smatrala sam da duša unaprijed zna kome, zašto i na što dolazi pa da je u redu ponašati se i živjeti manje-više kao i obično.
Kako sam vrlo brzo uspostavila komunikaciju s bebom u trbuhu za vrijeme inicijacija se znala javljati i davati mi informacije o ljudima kao da je željela učestvovati u onome što radim.
Na pitanje da li inicirati trudnice u Reiki, moj je stav da bez obzira o kojem se stupnju radilo odluku mora donijeti učitelj sam, razmatrajući svaki slučaj zasebno. Žene inicirane u Reiki u trudnoći koje ja znam, doživjele su to kao pravi poklon i pomoć.

Trudnoća i tretmani fizičkog tijela
Jedna od najprirodnijih stvari u trudnoći je držati ruke na trbuhu i nježno ga gladiti. To je još jedan oblik prisnosti, i izražaj ljubavi majke prema djetetu koje spontano otvara srce i omogućuje protok Reikiju. Beba je ponekad "povukla" Reiki, a ponekad ne. Uredno sam se tretirala Reikijem sama ili me tretirao suprug kada sam imala mučnine u trudnoći, prehladu i kad su me boljela leđa.
Svakoj trudnici reikistici bih preporučila da si u trudnoći dnevno napravi samotretman ako joj to godi, a po potrebi bez straha i tretman za bilo koju tegobu.
Poznat mi je slučaj gdje su davali Reiki direktno na trbuh trudnici u
devetom mjesecu trudnoće i beba koja je bila okrenuta na zadak, okrenula se u
ispravan položaj za porod. Također je rađen Reiki za bebu koja je imala omotanu
pupčanu vrpcu oko vrata i pupčana vrpca se odmotala.

Trudnoća i tretmani na daljinu

Trudnoća je jedan tako buran proces po sebi da nisam osjećala potrebu za
nikakvim dodatnim "uzbuđenjima" i iznenađenjima koja sa sobom nose mentalni
tretmani. Svaki dan je donosio nešto novo i imala sam dovoljno materijala za
samopromatranje i učenje o sebi. Zbog burnih hormonalnih promjena u trudnoći dolazi do promjena osim na fizičkom planu i u emocionalnom reagiranju trudnice. Kod većine žena javlja se preosjetljivost, lako se rasplaču, ne podnose bilo kakvu grubost. Ja nisam mogla sjediti duže od par minuta na mjestima negativnih (geopatoloških, tehničkih i sl.) zračenja i podzemnih voda (beba bi se u trbuhu počela divlje ritati). Više se nisam mogla zadržavati u društvu ljudi koji su negativno zračili. Izbjegavala sam agresivne filmove, knjige, slike, a svaka i najmanja patnja u mojoj okolini izazivala je suze i duboko suosjećanje.
Kada sam jednom prilikom bila svjedokom jedne agresivne situacije beba je pobjegla u dubinu trbuha (inače je uvijek bila na površini), i tek nakon pola sata davanja Reikija, nježnog pričanja i uvjeravanja ponovo se vratila na površinu. To je još jedan dokaz da su djeca i prije samog rođenja prijemljiva na sve vidove energija u okolini, a majka je definitivno najbliža bebina okolina u to doba. Poput inprinta beba prima kako ljubav i zadovoljstvo majke, tako i sve strahove, agresivne porive, tugu i slično.

Naravno, pošto nitko od nas ne živi pod staklenim zvonom i stresne situacije su dio svakodnevnice, preporučila bih ne susprezati se u emocionalnom reagiranju.
Ako vam se plače plačite, izrazite se i rješavajte stvari odmah i sad.
Poznato je da čovjek iz svoje okoline unosi u sebe tri stvari:
- zrak (pranu)
- hranu i vodu
- utiske (osjetilne, energetske, emocionalne...)
Stoga, družite se s dobrim ljudima, okružujte se lijepim i ugodnim stvarima, muzikom, šetajte po prirodi, meditirajte, molite se, prakticirajte pranayamu, pjevajte bhajane, mantrajte...

Reiki, porod i ono poslije

Ideja koja se pokazala odličnom u praksi je zamoliti desetak-petnaestak prijatelja, ili nazvati "Vatrogasce", da vam pošalju Reiki tretman za situaciju poroda. Prije odlaska u bolnicu nazvala sam jednu prijateljicu koja je onda obavijestila sve ostale da mi šalju Reiki. Osim brzog poroda rezultat je bio da sam se nakon svega osjećala toliko ispunjena energijom da nisam mogla zaspati još nekoliko sati. Vrlo je važan i psihološki momenat kada ste uvjereni da jednostavno ništa ne može poći po zlu jer je Reiki s vama.
"Ono poslije podrazumijeva poslati Reiki bebi u drugu sobu, ako nije s vama u sobi, tretirati sebi trbuh i eventualnu ranu od epiziotomije ili carskog reza. Možete tretirati bolničku hranu, poslati prvi simbol ponekoj neljubaznoj medicinskoj sestri itd...

Posebno važna tema je dojenje

Prema Barbari Ann Brennan putem dojenja uspostavlja se najdublja povezanost majke i djeteta. To je osjećaj najbliži bliskosti koju je dijete iskusilo u majčinoj utrobi. Dok siše dijete doživljava sebe kao majku. Doživljava majku kao boga i sebe kao boga koji je majka. Majčina, božja i djetetova bit (suština) su jedno. Da bi dijete osjetilo svoju božansku suštinu ono mora biti ispunjeno suštinom majke/boga. Tek kada je tako prožeto (ispunjeno) dijete može krenuti ka individuaciji osjećaja vlastite božanske suštine. Osjećaj ispunjenosti koji dijete dobija dojenjem je način na koji dijete to uči i spoznaje.
Ako majka ima poteškoća s dojenjem, ili prekida dijete u sisanju prije nego li je ono spremno završiti, ili ako to obavlja u žurbi, nestrpljivo, ona u suštini odbacuje dijete. I ako se to često ponavlja dijete će postati nervozno, imat će problema sa sisanjem što će produžavati vrijeme dojenja i tako još više pogoršavati situaciju čime se stvara začarani krug. Takva djeca odrastu u ljude bez jasnog i potpunog iskustva svoje vlastite suštine - božanskog izvora u sebi. To onda postaje poligon za krađu energije od drugih ljudi itd... (Sve to i još puno svega ostaloga možete pročitati u knjizi "Light Emerging" uskoro i u prijevodu na našem jeziku).
Dakle, radite si Reiki za dojenje i to direktno na grudima i/ili na situaciju.

Reiki i male bebe
Imajući na umu koliko su važni prvi utisci koje novorođena beba stiče o svijetu u koji dolazi i ljudima, davanje Reikija kao posebnog oblika ljubavi je jedna od prekrasnih stvari koje majka može učiniti za svoje dijete. Najprirodnije je davati Reiki dok doji dijete. Kada je moja curica imala problema s probavom pomagalo je kada bih jednu ruku položila na trbuh, a drugu na leđa. Radite Reiki prije ili nakon cijepljenja, protiv prehlade, alergija....
Za Reiki nema ograničenja, ona postoje samo u našim umovima. Stoga eksperimentirajte i uživajte u otkrivanju novog u suglasju sa svojim duhovnim vodstvom.

Autor: Biserka Šprah
Lektor: Divina Marion
Srijeda, 09 Kolovoz 2006

Stepeni reikija. Struktura reikija


Prvi stepen – otvaranje Reiki kanala
Reiki kanal otvara se putem tri do četiri inicijacije. Obično se za inicijaciju
koristi engleska riječ attunement koja znači usklađivanje (s talasnom dužinom), no ovdje se misli na uspostavljanje uslova za spajanje s Reiki energijom i postajanje njezinim kanalom. Otvara se kanal Reikija; moći ćete kad god trebate trenutno kontaktirati Reiki . Moći ćete automatski propustiti potrebnu energiju stavljajući ruke na željeno mjesto ili iznad njega. Uči se osnovna teorija i iscjeliteljska tehnika i Reiki možete koristiti istoga dana.
Premda se 1. stepen malo razlikuje prema učitelju i školi,učite ga i vježbate kako slijedi u skripti. Koristi se mantra tokom tretmana energija - svjetlost - ljubav , a neke škole dodaju i harmonija!
• Upotreba Reikija nakon završavanja prvoga stepena nastavlja se nakon najmanje 3 mjeseca na Drugi stepen. Djeca ispod 12 godina se ne iniciraju.
- Tretmani sa prvim stepenom odraslih osoba traju do 60 minuta, vrlo starih i bolesnih ljudi 20-30 minuta, a bebe i djecu tretiramo 10 – 20 min. Potrudite se da skoro uvijek tretmani budu u isto vrijeme. Nakon 22h reiki se ne daje!

Drugi stepen reikija: pojačavanje snage i daljnja upotreba Reikija Rade se tri inicijacije, jedna za svaki simbol; istovremeno se uče tri simbola i njihovi nazivi. I simboli i mantre su efikasni u upotrebi energije. Simboli su oblici i slova ,a mantre
(Kotodama – duh jezika) glas i zvuk. Kvalitet Reiki energije poboljšava se inicijacijom u 2.stepen, a iscjeliteljska moć postaje četvorostruko najmanje snažnijom.
Korišćenjem simbola i mantri Reiki možete koristiti svugdje;
primjer koncentrisati svu energiju u jednu tačku, slati energiju da bi uravnotežili i uskladili osjećanja. Vrijeme tretiranja je od 10-20 min.

Treći stepen reikija-Majstorski-Master: dostizanje više vibracijskog nivoa svijesti i povećanje kreativnosti.Rade se tri inicijacije i istovremeno daje četvrti simbol i mantra. To znatno mijenja kvalitet energije koja teče i koja postaje energija visokih dimenzija, mnogi počinju osjećati svojevrsnu slatkoću i miruma. Energija će djelovati na nivou uma i tijela, da bi ih spojila s višom dimenzijom svjetla.
Četvrti simbol, nazvan Usuijevim simbolom ili majstorskim simbolom, je najviši u Reiki-hou i smatra se vrlo svetim.
Na ovom nivou Reiki više nije samo tehnika, on može spojiti i uskladiti sa sviješću viših dimenzija, a talas vodjstva za duhovni rast uzdiže duh tijekom svakodnevnog života. Ovo je najviši energetski nivo i iscjeliteljske sposobnosti izuzetno je moguće i iscjeljivali buduće događaje.

Četvrti stepen: Reiki učitelj
Ovo je seminar za Reiki majstora (učitelja) – kako inicirati u Reiki i
podučavati i dijeliti znanje s drugima.



Proces inicijacije ne može biti neuspješan ni pod kakvim okolnostim, pogotovo ako se izvrše pravilne prirpreme učitelja i učenika. Inicijacija je korak koji mijenja život, pa zbog toga treba da budemo spremni. To je naš lični put ljubavi, savršenstva, spremnosti na rad na sebi, preuzimanje lične odgovornosti za svoje zdravlje i za svoj život.
Priprema za inicijaciju teba da bude naš izbor slobodne volje, ako osoba ne izvrši adekvatnu pripremu, proces inicijacje i dalje će biti djelotvoran, osoba će moći da kanališe Univerzalnu životnu energiju, ali malo sporije.

Svakom učeniku treba da predlažemo najmanje tri dana prije inicijacije:
1. ne jede meso
2. ne uzima alkohol
3. prestane uzimati kafu i čaj , zbog nadražujućeg dejstva kofeina.
4. ne puši
5. bude u molitvi ili meditaciji ili u tišini
6. izbjegava konfliktne situacije
7. čuva mir u sebi
8. ne radi na stvaranju potomstva

Ako je osobi jako teško to da ispuni, onda mu prdlažemo bar da pod tačkama 1,2,6,7 ispuni. Idealno bi bilo kad i nakon inicijacije psotane reiki kanal, 21 dan da se pridržava ovih načela!

Nakon inicijacije prdlažemo osobi:
1. da 21 dan radi samotretmane,
2. pije najnamnje 8 čaša vode, zbog čišćenja
3. bude u molitvi i meditaciji
4. sluša duhovnu muziku
5. izbjegava fluoroscentnu svjetlost
6. izbjegava veće skupove ljudi, buku
7. izbjegava negativnosti, negativne osobe, negativne filmove, mjesta
8. ne uzima cigarete i alkohol, kafu
9. da svakog dana ponavlja reiki principe
10. pokaže sebi i drugima da je na putu ljubavi i da može da živi drugačije
11. živi mudro, dobronamjerno i u sadašnjem trenutku
12. pomaže sebi, bližnjima, planeti, univerzumu

Učitelj isto treba da pripremi sebe tako što kasno ne večera ili posti, očisti prostor, simbol-1 stavi u sve uglove sobe i kuće, zaštiti sebe. Prostorija treba da bude prozračna, mirišljava, sa opuštajućom muzikom.


Reinicijacija je ponavljanje procesa inicijacije kod reikista koji jako dug vremenski period nisu radili reiki ili nisu nakon inicijacije odradili 21 dan samotretmana, pa su sami sebi oslabili sposobnost kanalisanja Životne energije. Oni prije inicijacije u naredni stepen mogu samo sebi da otpočnu samotretmane 21 dan ili da idu na reiki tretmane istog ili višeg stepena u cilju povećanja protočnosti energetskih kanala i podizanja nivoa iscjelujućeg reikija.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

o reikiju!

Šta je reiki? Riječ REIKI izvorno znači Univerzalna životna energija.
REIKI je način iscjelenja beskrajno jednostavan i prirodan koji u sebi sadrži svu tajnu mudrusti, istine i ljubavi, a pri tome nema ništa mistično u sebi. To je put ljubavi i put srca. Reiki je Japanska tehnika samoiscjeljenja, usavrčena po metodi Dr Usuia, iscjeljenja drugih živih bića uz pomoć Univerzalne životne energije, stara nekoliko hiljada godina. Tu energiju, koja je svuda oko nas u kosmosu, reikista kanališe i tako uravnotežuje vaše tijelo i dušu, samim time i lijeći. Biti iniciran u Reiki, ne znaći da ćovjek postaje mag ili čarobnjak, on samo postaje energetski otvoren za čisti izvor Univerzalne životne energije koja protiče kroz njega, za dobrobit njega samog i onih koji žele da tu energiju prenesu do njih. Mnoge tegobe fizičke i duševne prirode se uspješno tretiraju reikijem. Na mnogim svjetskim klinikama reiki se kombinuje sa zvanićnom medicinom i daje fascinatne rezultate, u Švajcarskoj socijalno plaća tretmane.
Tretman reikijem izgleda tako što legnete, opustite se i reikista polaže ruke na odredjene zone vašeg tijela i na taj način kanališe univerzalnu kosmičku energiju kroz vas! Tretmane možete raditi i na samom sebi! To je najjednostavnija, najprirodnija i najdjelotvornija prirodna tehnika liječenja i održavanja zdravlja. Tretman podrazumjeva rješavanje inicijalne traume.Veoma je koristan kod svih psihofizičkih obolenja, nervnih tegoba, migrene, disajnih organa, jetre, slezine, mišićno koštanih tegoba, ubrzava srastanje kostiju i skraćuje oporavak poslije operacija....Jača um, koncentraciju. Koristan je svima, zdravstvenim radnicima, sportistima, profesorima, šalterskim radnicima. Ne postoji osoba na svijetu, koja nije predisponirana za Reiki, to može svako. Za početnu obuku nisu potrebna prethodna iskustva, znanja, sposobnosti, vjerovanje i slično. To jednostavno radi. Ne kosi se se ni sa jednim religijskim sistemom. To vam je alat za samoiscjeljenje. Reikista se postaje inicijacijom, što bi podrazumjevalo teoretsko znanje i praktičnu obuku same vještine.

tel. 065 624 726

Saturday, August 20, 2011








Friday, August 19, 2011



Smatram da može svaki učitelj naći mnogo korisnog u vezi predstvaljanja reikija i držanja časova!

Usui Reiki Master and Teacher
Contemporary and Traditional methods
level three manual
by Peggy L. Jentoft
© Peggy Jentoft ,2000, 2001
except where noted

Solarraven Reiki More resources are available at this link
This is intended to be a simple practical manual for Usui Reiki. level three
No manual will ever be complete. There is always more to learn. Download the Manual in PDF
the downoaded manual may differ somewhat from the online manual

My Reiki Manuals are offered for free download and may be used in trainings and classes. My name and copyright information must be retained. My manuals are widely distributed and have been downloaded over one million times since 1996 . People who remove my name and copyright information and/or attempt to pass themselves off as the author of these manuals are quickly exposed and face considerable embarrasment and the loss of their reputation as well as possible legal consequences.

This manual is all on one page to make it easier to print or save even though that makes it rather large My main intention is to have the manual I use in class available on the internet for the benefit of my students and for Reiki Masters who have received remote attunement and for others who might find value in it.
Traditionally many Reiki Masters hold that the symbols are sacred or secret and should not be shown to people who are not first attuned to the appropriate level. I respect them and their tradition of secrecy but feel strongly that I must have the symbols in the manual for maximum helpfulness . I was familiar with most of the symbols in a Buddhist context prior to receiving Reiki. Should You not wish to see them do not continue to read this manual. The symbols cannot be used to connect with the Reiki energy and functions unless a person has been attuned to Reiki. In order to transmit attunement to others you normally must be attuned to the Master level of Reiki .
Reiki Master Level Three Manual
About Symbols
The master symbol
How Attunements work
Ritual and attunement
Before the Attunement
Direct Intention
The Direct or crown to crown
Attunements for the Usui Reiki System
Semi Traditional
long version first degree
long second degree
Traditional Third degree
Remote attunement
#21 Day Cleansing Cycle
The exchange issue
# weird deattunement- obedience symbol
Reiki Ethics for professionals
Suggestions for classes
MORE RITUALS for attunement
Semi Traditional Usui
longer attunement form

This is a Master Teacher Manual for the three level Usui system of Reiki. Traditional and contemporary Reiki . The Reiki Master/Teacher (Level III) consists of learning the master symbol, receiving the attunement, and learning attunement processes.
There also is often some discussion and teaching about ethical spiritual and social issues that might concern to Reiki Masters. The Class will also address some of the the practical methods of teaching Reiki to others, and some thoughts about manual writing and class organization. When This class is completed and after the attunement has been received the student will be a Reiki Master and teacher and will be able to pass Reiki Attunement for all levels of Reiki using either ritual methods or the direct intention transmission of the Reiki attunement. Some masters will only teach those people who are willing and able to completely dedicate their lives to Reiki. I feel that Reiki and other energy work systems should be widely available to people who sincerely wish to learn to use them.
Many Reiki practitioners want to take the Master level to complete their Reiki training. There is no way to complete your spiritual development and personal evolution. This is an ongoing process . This is a new beginning for sharing Reiki with others and for opportunities to enhance your own development.
Naturally some of the material in this manual should be familiar to the Reiki Master candidate from their previous study of Reiki . This manual has the Dual purpose of teaching the Master student the material they need to know in becoming a Reiki Master and reviewing and presenting information and procedures to be taught to their students.
Being A Reiki Master does not mean you are better or wiser or more enlightened than anyone else it just means that you are able to transfer the ability to transmit Reiki attunement to others. I feel that a Reiki Master should make an effort to live in an ethical way and to be responsible for their actions and intentions .
This manual includes traditional Usui Reiki, attunement and the knowledge to pass them to others. I emphasize that strongly because due to Reiki variants with differing numbers of attunements there is occasionally some confusion about what is to be taught in a particular class .
Some teachers teach a Reiki 3a or personal Master level between Reiki 2 and the teaching level . Some of these classes only teach the use of the empowerment symbol for personal use and healing and others will teach a number of nontraditional techniques but 3a usually does not teach how to pass attunements for all levels or how to teach a class .
This may seem like just a way to get more money out of a student. I usually just teach the complete system in three levels. Some people do wish to have the use of the empowerment function in healing without wanting to teach others usually because of a specific healing need among their family and loved ones or they may want an intermediate stage between Reiki two and Reiki Master teacher before they decide if they wish to practice as a Reiki Master . Some nontraditional elements that are often added in three a classes might include meditation techniques, a Healing Attunement, the Hui Yin, the Violet Breath, Psychic Surgery, Reiki Crystal Grids a Meet your Reiki Guide Meditation, some of these are touched on in the Reiki two manual that is included with this Master training The reality is that most "3a Master Practitioners" are Reiki Masters who simply have not been taught an Attunement Process.

About Symbols
There are at least three fundamentally different types of symbols and beliefs regarding the nature of symbolic forms. The first kind of symbol is those in which the power or ability to create effect is inherent in the form of the symbol. Those used in sacred geometry or the tattwas and to a certain extent Yantra Mandalas are among those in which the actual shape or form is said to directly stimulate the subconscious energy patterns in the brain and energy body or physical and nonphysical reality.
These symbols are said to contain the power to waken an ability or create a result or convey mystical information and realization of themselves with no or little action or intention by anyone . The second belief is that objects and symbols can be something that is charged or empowered by intention or ritual or proximity to holy places or people to contain the power to create an effect. The last kind of symbol is those that are tools or triggers which enable you to connect with and use a spiritual function, information, energy and so forth, that exists separate from the symbol itself. The symbol is more like an on button the power is in what the symbols represent rather than having any power of its own. These viewpoints are not really mutually exclusive they are just different ways of looking at things. Some people in the United states have considered and taught that the Reiki symbols and their names or mantra themselves inherently contained the power and were sacred and secret not to be revealed to anyone who was not an initiate. Most of the Symbols used in Reiki are Kanji that is written words which have esoteric symbolic meanings in some Buddhist traditions.
I have always felt that the Reiki symbols were primarily of the third kind. They are tools to facilitate connecting with aspects of the universal energy for healing. They do not themselves have inherent power. There are often many different ways to draw a particular symbol but they all effectively assist in connecting to the Reiki energy. Now that Western Reiki Practitioners have made contact with Japanese Reiki Practitioners from the Reiki Association founded by Mikao Usui it is apparent that this is the way they are used in that society and that many people become able to use Reiki functions without directly invoking the symbols .
These symbols are exactly that, symbols. They are not what they represent. The Reiki symbols represent specific properties functions of energy for healing and spiritual enhancement . When anyone who is attuned to Reiki sees and says the name or draws these symbols it helps them to connect themselves with the Reiki energy and activate the function and specific purpose the symbol represents . The specific attunement the author of this manual uses does confer an automatic ability to choose to work with the Reiki functions by intention and use words or thought as the activator as well as by consciously invoking the symbols . Direct intention activation does not substitute for the information and experience to be gained from studying and using symbols . It is not necessary to understand the meanings of the symbols or even to consciously use them to gain and share the benefits of the Reiki system. Though it can enrich your experience to explore the meanings. The symbols remind us that there are ways to focus on different aspects of the energy and use them.
You may also use Reiki to focus on other aspects and purposes of the universal energy by direct intention. Other systems which have evolved from Reiki such as Seichim and Karuna use different symbols to focus on other aspects of the energy. However you can use Reiki for these functions without further attunement and with or without the use of the additional symbols. I do not mean to say that working without symbols is "more advanced" than working with them. I mean that it is simply different, not better or more advanced, and that what is true or right for one person may not be the best way for another person.
In the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai which is the Reiki society founded by Usui Sensei, We understand that it is taught that the symbols were added by Usui sensei sometime after his realization of Reiki in order to help those people who had little experience in energy work or who needed help connecting with energy.
The symbols were apparently selected from those terms used in some esoteric Buddhist sects that are appropriate for the function of the Reiki focus . I was actually familiar with most of these terms before encountering Reiki so I am not surprised by this at all. Many more books and translations of Reiki teaching from Japan will be published in the future so our historical information about Reiki will continue to expand. Reiki is not a closed system, while we benefit by having a sound background in traditional Reiki practices Usui Sensei, by designating himself as second rank gave symbolic indication of his hope that the system would continue to develop after his passing.
The method of becoming attuned to the ability to use Reiki has changed over the years from the way it was and is practiced at the Japanese Reiki society . In the Reiki Ryoho in Japan you would meet weekly with fellow members and a master, have a lesson or lecture and possibly practice and or receive healing treatment after which you would do the hatsurei ho meditation during which the master would give you and the other members "Reiju" an empowerment which helps to connect and deepen your connection to Reiki energy usually gradually in accord with your personal development. Possibly after a period probably of a year or more of this practice and study you might be invited to learn the second teachings.
In the Hayashi-Takata lineage called Usui Shiki Ryoho the symbols are of more importance. The system was set up to teach Reiki faster than the lengthy training in Reiki Ryoho. There was more emphasis on symbols and hand positions so that students could connect to Reiki in order to work in the Hayashi clinic before they developed the ability to sense the energy of clients. This is also probably why an attunement process was developed similar to the initiations used in many healing and spiritual traditions in order to. greatly accelerate the clearing and connection and ability to work with universal energies The Masters that Mrs. Takata trained were taught with this emphasis on the symbols and were also sworn to secrecy about the Reiki symbols and other practices.

Dai Ku Myo, Empowerment,The master symbol
Dai Ku Myo or dai ko myo (dye koo myo, (mm yoh long o ) .Empowerment, Intuition, Creativity and Spiritual connection this is the master symbol or energy function used for activating the initiation and attunement to Reiki. This is the only symbol added in traditional Usui Reiki during the Master training. There are a couple of additional symbols that are not originally part of this system that many teachers have added and we will discuss them later.
Dai Ku Myo can be translated as "the Great shining light" or "the treasure tower of light" In some Buddhist practices it is symbolic of "Mystic law " or one's "Buddha Nature" and of states of enlightenment. and is sometimes used in esoteric Buddhism as a metaphor for the essential spiritual truth or laws of the universe It can also refer to the senses , the human body in enlightenment, The teachings of all enlightened masters . These may be traditional meanings separate from Dai ku Myo as a Reiki symbol.
Dai ku myo enables recognition and clarity about your true path. There is less written about this Reiki symbol and function than about the others in the context of Reiki because until quite recently there have been very few Reiki Masters who are empowered to use it. It is still somewhat unexplored . Mrs. Takata drew the symbols differently for many of her students. The first three symbols were compared and one form for each was selected after her death . This was not done with the DKM so there are many different versions which you might encounter. They all work. DKM activates a powerful energy for Self Empowerment and is used for opening Spiritual connection and intuition and cellular healing. Once you are attuned for this energy you can use it for treating yourself and others each time you activate Reiki. It is said to work at the cellular and genetic levels and is valuable for treating Migraine Headaches. Many people have found that Level three Reiki Attunement increases the intuitive and psychic awareness that they can comfortably access.
I have heard this called the vocational or life purpose function because it often seems to initiate dramatic changes in career and lifestyle. It is also used as a Manifestation energy by some as is Cho Ku Rei the power boost from second degree Reiki . To use DKM for manifestation you activate this energy and clearly visualize what you intend to manifest this will not bring you things that are not in accord with your high self and soul purpose. The first example is the form I was originally taught. The second is probably the more authentic form of Dai ku myo. I

The Dai ku Myo is known as the Master Symbol. This is the function or energy that the Reiki master activates to do the Attunements that make the Reiki energies permanently accessible to the new practitioner. Some Reiki Masters do a non master three a attunement that activates the Dai ku myo as the spiritual and intuitive energy tool but supposedly does not confer the ability to do attunements. It many cases probably does but the student is not taught how to do attunements.
The translation of Japanese Reiki Master Hiroshi Doi's explanation of this symbol
"Dai Ku Myo, Empowerment, Characteristics of 4th symbol - Symbolizes the entire universe. The highest symbol in Reiki-ho. For activating 7th chakra.
The meaning and functions -
1. The whole universe is made of vibration/light. The 4th symbol has the function of transmitting subtle vibration of love, healing and harmony for all beings by resonating with conscious energy in a higher dimension.
2. This is considered to be a very sacred symbol and given the highest expressions like ''God inviting symbol'', ''The symbol for guiding spiritual awakening''. But the symbol has its value in the function of connecting to sacred being and becoming part of it. The source (higher dimension) represented by the symbol is honorable but the symbol itself is just a tool."
The different concepts illustrated by different Buddhist sects using Dai Ku Myo as a metaphor do include sacred but not secret ideas about spiritual reality and universal Law such as Love Light and Harmony and the proper function of all the senses in perfect fusion with spiritual essence (treasure house) and in the particular tradition I am most familiar with it represents the complete body of universal Law and wisdom. I feel that these "mystic law" aspects of the DKM may have contributed somewhat to the idea of the symbols themselves as sacred and secret. I do not consider them sacred of themselves on the other hand I appreciate the intention of those who do. I will share the symbols discretely when I feel it appropriate but naturally do not want to disrespect it or display it outside of its contexts of healing and Spiritual law. Dai Ku Myo is for all purposes of Reiki function with or without the other symbols .
The spiritual bodies effect the physical body. Healing at the Master level is thought to directly effect the higher spiritual body template and can lead to immense transformation and healing on all levels of being and possibly at times, Miracles.
It is taught in many paths that all disease comes from blocks forming in the energy body. Reiki treatment will help remove these blocks, free stagnant energy, restore energy to depleted areas and improve the function and stability of the energy body. This contributes to physical healing and emotional, mental and spiritual wholeness . I use the Usui Dai Ku Myo constantly . It calls in a complete range of the most positive energy frequencies possible in each specific situation . It can also be used to clear away negativity and as a protective symbol. One focus of this symbol is the healing of the soul. The physical body reflects the condition of the spiritual body, and one can often effectively heal disease at its causal root , or spiritual level, with Dai Ku myo.
There is a different symbol that is usually called Dai Ko Myo or modern or Tibetan Dai Ku Myo This symbol was not taught by Usui Sensei and is not used by most traditional Reiki Masters. I do not use it directly myself in Usui Reiki attunement but mention it here for your information Most People who do use the TDKM only use it when doing attunements. The Master attunement I use will enable you to use the it if you wish to do so. I have also encountered this used to raise energy from a center near the Tan Tien but not exactly the same. Some Masters use this symbol instead of the traditional Dai Ku myo
Raku (rah koo) is another added symbol that is often used to end attunements (and sometimes to begin them) I have seen Buddhist and shinto priests use this symbol as a gesture to end rituals so believe it was probably adapted from these for use with Reiki. Most often those who do use Raku only use it in attunements to open, close and ground the aura. There is no need for additional attunement to use these symbols. Anyone who is attuned to Reiki Master can draw on these functions if they wish to do so. Raku is an addition to traditional Reiki. I have not found it to be of any real value myself other than to remind me of the transforming power of fire, but your experience might differ.

How Attunements work
During the Attunement The RM intends that the recipient- attunee be connected to the energies and that they be able to access the energies and the recipient intends to accept attunement to Reiki.
It is the intention of the master that confers the ability to use the Reiki functions, rather than the drawing of the symbols within the sphere of the aura .
You can think of all attunements as being like fixing a radio (or programming the vcr). Sort of the energetic equivalent of cleaning off the connectors attaching the wires and wrapping them tape and finding the channels you like and set setting the automatic channel finder button so that when someone wants to connect they just have to turn on their radio and push the channel button and turn up the volume . It may be more accurate to say that the RM lets the installer in and holds the toolbox while the work is done.
Many teachers refer to placing symbols in the aura. This is done automatically during the attunement and needn't be specified. It is not the same as activating energetic forms like the solar disk and causal heart that are already naturally in the aura. I also find that it is not putting things in the aura that is the issue but getting unwanted things out as almost everyone can and does create energy forms and thought forms and many people are wondering around quite unwittingly sticking them into others energy fields all the time these forms can block the natural flow of energy then they do need to be removed. Some times during an attunement you may see or feel forms being removed. Old shields around the heart to prevent emotional involvement seem to be quite commonly removed during Reiki Attunements.
Ritual and attunement
The degree of ritual and ceremony accompanying Reiki attunement
varies from almost none to major productions involving smudging with sage, chanting, bell ringing, drumming, speaking in tongues and great formality. I am pretty low key ritual wise
myself. The primary method I use for attunement is the direct transmission or crown to crown attunement which is very simple and quite effective. I have also used a fairly standard ritual attunement technique and will share several different versions of attunements that you can choose from or adapt.
It is kind of a well known secret that whatever ritual or ceremonial form you use to conduct the attunement it will work provided your intention is set and the recipients accept the attunement. The structure you use should be one that is appropriate and comfortable for you and your students.
During the attunement it is intended that the recipient- attunee be connected to
the energies and that they be able to access the energies by using the symbols or by intention. The intention of the master connecting to the flow of Reiki confers the ability to use the Reiki functions. rather than the actual ceremony or drawing of the symbols in the aura. Your class and your attunement should have a clear beginning, middle and end.

Before the Attunement
Many Reiki teachers will clear and / or charge the energy of the room with Reiki before the students arrive and the class begins. If it is part of their own personal path they may have invited angels, ascended masters, guides , placed a healing grid or gateway in the room and so on to support the most complete and perfect class and attunement possible. They might have said prayers or done meditation or a self treatment with Reiki in accord with their own path of practice.
In any case the Reiki teacher should have and set the intention to conduct the most complete and suitable class and to successfully intend to attune and teach the students to be fully competent practitioners at the level of the class training.
I tend to think that if this has been done before the class there is not much need to do it again just before the Attunement.
Some Reiki masters perform elaborate opening rituals before the attunement
such as casting a circle, or smudging with sage, toning and chanting these are not required or Part of Usui Reiki. It now seems that Usui Sensei may have joined his students in reciting the Reiki principles and singing some inspirational poems together before classes. From my first hand experience, this kind of thing seems like a pretty common practice in varied Japanese cultural activities including spiritual, social events, work and cooking , art and music lessons.
You will want to see to everyone's comfort and assure that they have chosen to come to the class to be attuned and understand what will be taking place during the class.
I prefer to keep things quite simple and often do not even play music or infuse the air with essential oil anymore (or burn incense).
Generally the attunement is done or begun fairly early in the class period after some introduction because much of the instruction, symbols and practice is easier to learn after the attunement than before.
You will want to explain what might be experienced during the attunement.
Offer some preliminary information about attunement in general and explain what the specific attunement will do. If you are doing a hands on attunement tell the students where you will touch them. Remind everyone that they need to accept the attunement willingly and that the attunement will make them permanently able to connect with and use Reiki at the level of the attunement.
You might want to have a break for a snack or lunch before the attunement so participants won't be distracted by hunger or thirst and certainly everyone should have a chance to use the rest room before you start.
If you are doing a direct intention attunement you will probably be attuning everyone at the same time. If you are doing a ritual attunement you will probably attune one person at a time and will want to decide if you will take each person into a different area one at a time or have the people who are waiting or who have already been attuned sit around in a meditative type state of participation and whether you want them to keep their eyes open some of the time or to keep their eyes closed. You might want to play some music if you are going to have a bunch of people sitting around waiting for you to finish attunements.
There are three different attunement rituals in this section and a few more at the end of the manual.

Passing Reiki Attunement by Direct Intention
Reiki attunements are usually passed during a ritual. This manual contains several variations of attunement rituals. Attunements allow us to access energy functions that it would otherwise take many years of practice to be able to use.
The method of attunement featured first here is the direct transmission or crown to crown attunement. This is probably the simplest of all attunement methods.
This is the one I use most often.
Direct intention is used for attunement in many different energy and healing systems and is perhaps more like Mikao Usui's realization of Reiki through spirit than like the ritual attunements most often used for Reiki in the West. I have been given credit or blame, (depending on your attitude) for somewhat inadvertently introducing this method to the general population of Reiki Masters.
The simplest form of the direct attunement is to Activate all Reiki functions, set your intention to attune the person or persons to a specific level of Reiki and allow the attunement to run to completion just as you might do a remote healing session. There are a great many ways to set your intention. The Reiki Teacher and the student will usually sit in chairs facing each other or as part of a circle, or the student may lie down on a massage table or another comfortable location. People could get up and move around during the attunement or even leave the area and still receive the full attunement. It is preferable to receive the attunement while in a quiet meditative receptive state. Most people sit comfortably with their eyes closed and their hands ( often palm upwards) on their laps or held in a praying hands position at the heart or throat.
The teacher may specify the Reiki level to be attuned or for example simply ask that the Student receive those energies that are in their Highest Good and in accord with their Soul Purpose. The Teacher will activate the energies by intention and then activate the Attunement by intention. the energies will flow into the teacher's and the student's crown Chakras and Run until it is done clearing blocks , opening channels and connecting the energies , permanently enabling the student to run Reiki. I often set the intention that they be able to run Reiki and other energies and energy functions and procedures that they may already have or that they get later by intention , with and without using the Mantras and symbols traditionally used in Reiki, or the Mantras, Mudras, breath techniques etc. that are used in other systems. This offers the ability to use Reiki to people who are unable to activate Reiki with the traditional Methods. Another advantage when you intend to give the ability to activate the energies automatically, with or without symbols if appropriate is that Reiki can be run more quickly when speed is of importance.
The Energies are the same just the activation method is different. But you can set the intention as you want respecting the students right to receive only what serves their highest good of course. These attunements are I feel directed by The ALL. The teacher just opens the channel and grounds the energies.

The Direct or crown to crown attunement pretty much runs itself once activated and the procedure can be as simple as activating all Reiki functions and stating or mentally intending to attune a specific individual to a specific level of Reiki and allowing the attunement to run to completion.for example "Reiki for attunement, attune (name) to Reiki level one " could be the mental intention. However I do prefer to use use a more detailed intention and process. Once you activate the energy and the attunement by intention either with or without consciously using the symbols, the energies will flow into your crown chakra and flow throughout your body also flowing to or crossing to the to the student's Aura it will run until it is done clearing blocks , opening channels and connecting the energies and permanently enabling the student to use Reiki themselves. Always intend that the attunement be in accord with the soul purpose and highest good of the recipient.
I often find myself mentally voicing specific intentions during the attunement. To do this mentally intend that the initiates' crown, brow, heart, hands, eyes, throat, feet, voice aura structures meridians ao, chakra, and all other possible appropriate channels be connected with and to the ability to use and share Reiki that the Soulstar and Earthstar chakra consciously become active that any blocks and impediments be removed to the ongoing connection with the energies , information and abilities that will best serve them. that the chakras be cleared, aligned, harmonized locked into the central channel and mended that they be attuned to more easily be able to connect with and receive spiritual guidance, energies and healing for themselves and others that the energies be set and sealed. For the second degree intend that they be able to use the second degree functions with and without symbols. For the Master attunement I intend that the recipient be able to attune and pass on the ability to practice Reiki to others for all levels and facilitate the ability to increase the ability of others to accept healing and connect with spiritual information and energies.
You may move well beyond verbalization and perceive the attunement process and intentions as pulsating vibrations and/or color and sound sometimes specific images and information or direction is conveyed as the attunement continues usually most people can feel stages and changes in the attunement as it runs. Not everyone does feel energy or have visual effects of course. An attunement typically runs around 10 to 15 minutes though where time allows they may take an hour or more the longer attunements seem to include much more healing work and clearing on the recipient in addition to the Attunement.
When the attunement is complete it will taper to a stop the attunement is concluded with the intention of energetic separation of the connection between the sender and receiver. Intend thanks and appreciation of all participants and a return to mundane grounded awareness and a mental ending of the attunement.
Say something like " The Attunement is complete ". Many Reiki Masters Wash their hands and have the student wash their hands after the attunement to sever any remaining aura connection. Usually this separation occurs naturally as the attunement ends with or without direct intention or action.
I find that it does help the person to become aware of the reality of the Reiki energy if they do touch another human or an animal and run the energy right away. This may not be an absolutely accurate explanation of what I do as it is largely a non verbal process and varies somewhat each time.

Attunement rituals for the Usui Reiki System of Healing
simple ATTUNEMENT method
This is not first the way I was taught it. I find this ritual method to be more effective than some because it is simple and allows you to concentrate on the attunement.
The student will sit in a comfortably and relax. Their feet should be in contact with the floor their eyes should be closed though some teachers do allow some peeking.The student will need to be able to concentrate and to remain centered. Their hands should be held with the palms and fingertips together at about the height of the heart chakra. You will tell your students that you will be touching them on the head, shoulders, feet and hands and you will move their hands into several positions the hands will be separated and brought back together, and that they will also feel short bursts of your breath. You will tell them when the attunement is done and then they may take as much time as they desire to open their eyes.
This is a method that uses four attunements for first degree and either two for second or one for each symbol and one for third degree or Master. Attunement ritual(s) for the First Degree
Stand behind the student, Activate the Reiki energy with the symbols and state your intent to attune the student. This is done silently.
Visualize and or Draw Master Symbol into your aura
Touch your students shoulders and smooth the aura three times from head to feet.
Put your right hand on the crown and cover it with left hand.
* Tips of thumbs touch each other at the height of the heart chakra with the tips of the other fingers touching shoulder area.
* Stand beside student left hand on forehead, right hand on the back of the head (medulla oblongata).
* Put palms on the feet.
Touch the student's hands and open them to a position of receiving, palms up.
* Hold your own hands slightly above the hands of the student.
* Fold the hands together again and hold them in your own.
* Blow over crown, hands and hara.
Attunement ritual(s) for the Second Degree
* Bow behind the student, call the reiki energy and state your intent to
attune the student. This is done silently.
* Draw Master Symbol into your aura or merge with it.
* Touch shoulders and smooth the aura three times from head to feet.
* Draw the symbol into the student's aura.
* Now we have the same hand positions as for Level One while
additionally you draw or visualize the symbol three times into each
position (three time for each hand and each foot).
* the symbol is drawn into the hands.
* Blow over crown, hands and hara
* Draw the symbol behind the student and "push" it into the aura.
* Bow behind student.
* Draw the energy upwards once (as if closing a zipper).
* Speak blessing.

Attunement ritual for the Third Degree
* Exactly the same as for Level Two using the Master Symbol.

long version, Traditional (so far as I Know) Usui Attunement for First Degree
There are four separate attunements for the first degree. Think in terms of setting up the flow for the energy to come into the crown chakra and out the minor chakras in the palms of your hands.
Preparation and positioning for the attunement:
Position initiate in straight chair with feet on floor. if feet do not touch, use a phone book or whatever is necessary under the feet so that the initiate is seated in a comfortable position. Standing in front of the Initiate, explain that you will be walking around to the back and working on his/her head then returning to the front to work with his/her hands. While demonstrating the correct position, instruct initiate to bring his/her hands together as when praying and hold them in a comfortable position. Also tell him/her that you will be touching hands as well as raising them higher during the attunement.
Instruction to initiate: "Now I want you to close your eyes and go within and I will let you know when I am finished and you can open your eyes" (actually my first Reiki Master encouraged us to keep our eyes open at least some of the time and allowed everyone in the class to watch during the attunements).
Walk in a counter-clockwise motion to the back of the chair to begin the attunement. ( some other masters say clockwise).
First Attunement
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra
Step 2. Now place your dominant hand on top of the crown chakra while your non dominant hand remains extended. Visualize the Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and cho ku Rei, in that order. Hold that position a moment allowing the energy to flow.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands around the back of the hands where the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to work with. While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level with the Initiate's hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiate's fingertips. Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen, Sei hei Ki.Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand positions , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the cho ku rei with your tongue on the roof of your mouth (mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate: "You can open your eyes whenever you are ready." or " This concludes the first part of the first degree attunement."
At this time you might ask the initiate to talk about the feelings , visions or experiences that he/she had during the attunement.
Besides the joyful sharing involved between student and teacher , the verbalization allows the Initiate to process what has occurred and helps if he/she needs to validate that "the attunement worked ". If several people are being attuned this sharing can be done after all have been completed. It also helps to instruct Initiates to continue to keep hands on heart after their attunement while waiting for others to join them back at their seats.
Reiki Level 1. second and third attunements
Preparation and positioning are the same as in the first attunement adding that you will also touch Initiate's Shoulders. The steps for the second and third attunements are identical. These attunements not only setup part of the flow of Reiki they help clear the Initiates Chakras as well. walk counter clockwise to back of the initiate and begin.
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now place both hands on the initiate's shoulders with both thumbs on either side of the prominent bone at the base of the neck. Visualize the Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and Cho Ku Rei, in that order. Hold that position and allow the energy to flow through all the chakras.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to work with. While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level with the Initiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips. Maintain hand
positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki. Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand position , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready."
Reiki Level 1 Fourth Attunement
Preparation and Position are the same as in 1st 2nd and 3rd attunements
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now move counter clockwise to the side of the chair. Place one hand on Initiates Forehead and one on the back of the head. Visualize the Dai Ku Myo ,Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and Cho Ku Rei, in that order.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to work with. While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level with the Initiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips. Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki.Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand position , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready. " This concludes the First degree Reiki Attunement.
long 2 Traditional Second degree Attunement
Preparation and Position are the same as in the 1st degree attunement
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now move counter clockwise to the side of the chair. Place one hand on Initiates Forehead and one on the back of the head. Visualize the ,Hon Sha Ze sho nen, Sei He Ki, and Cho Ku Rei, in that order.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to work with. While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level with the Initiates hands Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo
Step 4. Then open the Initiates Hands placing them hands up on the knees. Take one hand and draw (with your dominant hand ) the Hon sha ze sho nen over his/her palm and clap the hand with yours. Now draw the Sei He Ki over the initiate's palm and clap the hand with yours. next draw the Cho ku Rei over the initiate's palm and clap the hand with yours. Return the Initiates hand to his/her Knee. Take up the Initiate's other hand and repeat all of step four on the second hand.
Step 5. clasp both of Initiates hands together and lift them near to nose in order to have access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye( all in short bursts).
step 6. Release Initiates Hands , place them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready. "This concludes the second degree attunement.
Traditional Third degree Attunement, long form
A meditation is done to facilitate the connection between the Master, the Initiate, the Energy and the Guides in preparation for the Attunement. When The Master intuits that the connection has been made the attunement begins.
The positioning is the same as for the other Reiki Attunements.
Step 1. Walk counter clockwise to back of Initiate. Take a deep breath and hold ,while placing the tip of your tongue at the back of your upper front teeth. Raise up your non dominant arm and hand with the palm open. With your Dominant hand , draw the Dai Ku Myo over the Crown Chakra. Reach forward over the shoulders with both hands and clasp Initiate's hands and release held breath by blowing into the Crown Chakra
Step 2. Perform ALL Four of the first degree attunements with these changes: Blow into the Crown Chakra prior to moving to front of Initiate to work on hands. This means that the held breath will be blown into the Crown Chakra four more times from in back of the Initiate. pay close attention to held breath and tongue positioning.
Step 3. Perform the complete second degree attunement with these changes :Blow into the Crown Chakra prior to walking to side of Initiate.
After drawing the other three Symbols and clapping, Draw the Dai Ku Myo into Initiate's hands and clap with yours.
When breath is blown, blow from Root Chakra to Heart Chakra, then Throat Chakra to Third Eye.
Step 4. Release Initiates Hands , place them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready. " This Concludes The Master's Degree Attunement.
More ritual attunement procedures are given at the end of the manual
Remote Attunement
Just as you can do Reiki treatments for people anywhere in the world it is possible for Attunement to be done over great distances.
Remote attunement does enable recipients to run Reiki but will not substitute for classes, hands on experience and training taken in person. Reiki is simple but not so simple that one need not apply themselves to learning the system.
Many people who are dedicated motivated self starters have become competent Reiki practitioners after remote attunement. People who have family wellness emergencies might benefit from a remote attunement to give more confidence to their efforts at hands on and spiritual healing with only minimal training. But in the long term and to really be a Reiki practitioner most people do much better with a class taken in person. Participating in Reiki circle shares and discussions is one way to round out your Reiki experience.
Developing the light touch and knowing how to be sure that you are using Reiki and not your own energy is easier to learn in person for most people. There are opportunities in many cities for practitioners to meet and treat each other and practice. There are also many e-mail discussion lists dedicated to Reiki and Reiki training.
Reiki masters have a responsibility to ensure as much as possible that their students really do have an understanding of the basic skills and ethics of healing practice.
Remote attunement can be valuable in emergency situations such as when someone in a remote area has a specific urgent need to be able to use Reiki.
There are other energy work systems that I feel are more suited to remote attunement because they do not involve specific hand positions or symbols and are more concerned with self healing and spiritual evolution and so do not require as much information about ethics and practice giving treatments as Reiki should.
When I do send remote attainments I use the direct intention method.
I connect energetically with the recipient as though connected by cords of light and allow the attunement to run. Most Reiki Masters combine the remote healing technique of using a proxy and give the attunement in person to the proxy while intending that it go to the recipient.
I was a pioneer in using remote attunement for Reiki ,adapting a technique from other systems of energy work. Remote Attunement and Direct transmission both in person and at distance is an ancient and respected way of transmitting elements of spiritual awakening ,wisdom , information or spiritual abilities between teachers and to others.
This is well known in some Buddhist paths. There are references and description of his transmission or initiation of an opening of the inner eyes to a follower in a letter from Nicheren who was a Tien Tai priest before founding his own sect from around 1156 -1160 I am sure there are older records of this because he was not writing about a new practice.
However it was probably never so broadly used as has been recently true with Reiki most of the records refer to transmissions / initiations /attunements/ openings either to devoted followers at great distance or to transfer the mantel of leadership.
The transmission is not the system and was never meant to be a substitute for the "consistent faith, practice and study " of the precepts and practices of the particular spiritual school from which the transmission came or personal contact with a teacher and a community of experience. Whether you are attuned by remote attunement or in a class setting You are responsible for your own practice, study and personal development as a Reiki Practitioner or Master.
I certainly would hope that no one practices remote attunement or remote healing exclusively. If they do it should probably not be called traditional Reiki.
The direct contact and communication between practitioners and teachers, friends and clients is invaluable in maintaining the undiluted clarity of a teaching even while allowing for evolution and growth.
There are some circumstances where remote attunement provides a life saving tool for healing and happiness, Particularly for self and family. When I first used remote transmission of Reiki attunement it was only as a prelude to direct training and attunement for two dedicated relatives who were unable to stay in my area long enough to receive the attunements in person on the timetable recommended and for one who's need to help a loved one with Reiki was urgent and extremely great. I did place any particular right I might have had to "ownership" of the practices and concept of Remote attunement in the public domain in early 1996 in the Alt. Healing Reiki Newsgroups.
Throughout time, most healing energies have I think probably been acquired
directly from spiritual source usually after long effort in seeking spiritual development and the ability and skill has been gained through trial and error. I had developed some small skill with energy work prior to learning of Reiki and it was far more effort than is required to truly master Reiki.
We have tremendous good fortune to be able to learn Reiki and other energy healing practices in a swift simple way rather than dedicating lifetimes for each small step of progress.
Other systems with healing as an element combining energy work, precepts, and hand positions such as those found in Reiki and some Kahuna paths may have been the exception more than the rule. ( I'm sure there are many others but these are the two I am most familiar with.
I was initially rather more enthusiastic about remote attunement for Reiki
because of Reiki's reliability and primarily because of the real proof it offers that
we are interconnected and can communicate spirit to spirit wherever we are in the physical. I had hope that this would be a factor in leading to a vast increase in peace, harmony, compassion and community. as well as greatly accelerating the consistent ability of many to assist in healing work.
I had presumed that anyone who sought attunement would also seek training and persevere with a seeking mind and heart to develop this precious gift Of Reiki. However that has not always proven to be true.I rarely do remote Reiki attunement these days even though they are a great pleasure to experience as the "sender" because without personal contact I cannot ensure that the individual will pursue the challenge of learning the system and practicing to competence.
I cannot of course guarantee that in person either but I can ensure that at the very least students have some practice and have heard of the ethics and other important elements of practice. I Live in North America now near Los Angeles I have done successful remote Reiki attunements through the Master level for Initiates on every continent except Antarctica using this method.
If you do send a remote attunement you may either do a direct transmission or use a proxy The student may lie down or sit in a comfortable location.They can get up and move around during the attunement or even leave the area and still receive the full attunement. Most people do prefer to be in a quiet meditative receptive state for the attunements and often sit with closed eyes , with hands palm upwards on their laps /knees or held in a praying hands position.
For an absentee attunement the time is agreed upon in advance, if possible the student will try to be in a receptive and accepting or eager to receive mental state, although it is not absolutely necessary that the student be paying attention or even be awake to get the attunement.
Getting the Attunement absentee does require that the recipient commit enough study time to learn and master the techniques on their own. Reiki is an intuitive practice but studying the material thoroughly gives intuition a place to start from.
The most common challenge of remote Attunement is helping the recipient learn to turn on and know that they are running the Reiki. Some people are expecting rather more dramatic effects than do occur and may have difficulty sensing the subtle energy when they do activate it.
The21 Day Cleansing Cycle
Many Reiki students come to class very concerned about the possibility of severe detoxification after the attunement because they have heard about A 21 day cleansing cycle. I find such reactions to be so rare as to be virtually nonexistent for most of the people I attune. I Have heard that this cycle was not specifically mentioned by Usui Sensei but is found in some Western metaphysical systems.

It is more accurate to say that when you are attuned your personal healing begins immediately. This sometimes shows up as symptoms of physical or emotional release such as an excess of Gas, diarrhea or moodiness. This has been called detoxification. most people do not have noticeable effects of this kind. Some people report a lot of emotional processing for up to 3 weeks or 21 days after an attunement. Some people report having unusually vivid dreams just after the attunement.
Anyone getting Reiki treatments and or attunements is encouraged to drink lots of
water. This often reduces or eliminates any so called detoxification symptoms. Everyone should be reminded that in some cases the release of toxins or energetic or physical realignments will cause them to feel worse for a small time before they feel better.
Some people may feel somewhat uncomfortable when chronic physical ,emotional or mental conditions are alleviated because they are unaccustomed to feeling well.
Anyone who has a detoxification reaction is encouraged to self treat with Reiki often and
to contact their Reiki teacher for help. Any severe or continuing unusual discomfort should
be referred to an appropriate medical professional because it may not have any
relationship to the attunement at all.Sometimes normal reactions to events that occur and
emotions that surface during the period just after attunement are attributed to detoxification when they might really be simply a freer expression and awareness of feelings that can be an effect of attunement. Cleansing cycles or a period of change or detoxification and integration of the energies or transformations is not exclusive to Reiki but may occur during any major shift of life or spiritual practices. Or even as part of the normal reaction to events in your daily life, Such as adjusting to a new job.Many different spiritual traditions as well as some psychologists teach that it usually takes about 2 weeks to 30 days to make any real lasting change in behavior. Many attunements from other systems also mention a similar cycle of days while an energy or transformation integrates completely.
Some teach that The first seven days is focused on personal issues and physical and emotional development. The second week focuses more on relationships and community issues and mental integration. The last week is Focused on divine or spiritual transformation and adjustment. The cycle affects the body. When the session or attunement ends this cycle begins. Some of the changes and insights learned along the way may take longer to fully manifest, or integrate but the first 21 days is considered a very important part in this process by many. Symptoms attributed to detoxification can include excess Gas , colds and emotional mood swings however normally these are rare and not severe when they do occur. This chart is one version from a very old metaphysical book I actually think that the concept of the twenty-one day period may come from non Japanese sources perhaps we could simply say that obstacles and karma may come up when you make positive changes.

The 21 Day Cleansing, Detoxification or Transformation Cycle
1. Root Chakra , Support & Physical Body. Primal Power days 8 & 15
2. Sacral Chakra, Sex, Creativity, Intimacy, Ego, also days 9&16
3. Solar Plexus Chakra Emotions (gut feelings). Feelings for other people gland pancreas also days 10 & 17
4. Heart & Thymus Chakra self. Love in general. Compassion. Communication gland thymus also days 11& 18
5. Throat Chakra Expression, Responsibility. Gland thyroid Also days 12 & 19
6. Brow, Third Eye Chakra Ideas, vision, the mind. Purpose. Gland pituitary also days 13 & 20
7. Crown Chakra Color Integration, Higher Mind Direction. gland Pineal Also days 14& 21
Each week has a full cycle through the chakras one day focusing on each.
Though the work is not limited to only one chakra a day the primary focus will be on one.Reiki will bring up and help to clear issues that prevent wellness or standing in the way of the person's spiritual and personal evolution. This cycle can happen whether you are receiving or giving a Reiki treatment or healing. In fact, it happens every time you make a change of any kind. The only difference is the focus. This cycle also applies to a cycle of integration of energies from the seven rays of creation but this is far too complex and esoteric for this Reiki manual. My students have not usually reported difficulties with detoxification themselves or with their students. Students are asked to inform the Reiki Master if they do have severe or unusual reactions after the attunement.

The Reiki teacher may recommend that students come in for several days of individual treatment in cases of severe detoxification. The teacher should suggest that a physician be consulted if there are physical symptoms.not every physical or emotional event that follows attunement will be detoxification.
Healing Attunement
I do not teach the temporary healing attunement offered in some "advanced Reiki Technique " classes. I include a non Reiki permanent healing attunement in my treatments and attunements for those who will accept energies from other systems
I do offer my Master students a permanent healing enhancement which they may in turn
transmit to their students and clients by intention or automatically This enhances the ability of recipients to use healing energy and to connect with energies and information that they need. It is not from Reiki.
The exchange issue
Anyone who becomes involved in Reiki sooner or later encounters a major issue and Cultural /Ethical conflict in the Reiki world the clash between a view that a true "Healer" would never charge or expect compensation for the work, and A philosophy stated to be A teaching of Dr. Usui, that one must give some exchange to receive full benefit and must balance any exchange of energy and that free treatment creates an unacceptable spiritual debt for the healee. The attitude that people only value what they pay for vs the attitude that spiritual energies are a gift from God and must in honor be free. These being only a few of the components in this issue. The beggar story (That Usui Sensei healed in a slum for many years until discovering that many beggars preferred to remain beggars) that is often told to illustrate a supposed requirement was probably meant to illustrate that not everyone wants to be healed. You cannot define what constitutes healing to another and you cannot force healing.(This same story is taught in some Buddhist sects with different people and to illustrate different points too and is in my opinion, a traditional teaching Parable that has been adapted ).
I do not have the skill to resolve this complex issue of exchange for anyone but regret that such conflicts may restrict the availability of this and other wonderful tools for wholeness.
It is common for people to devalue themselves to the point where they will not pay for something that could help their own well being.
A good portion of the first Reiki class I took was taken up with various stories, arguments and indoctrination's on the theme of a need to charge for giving Reiki , and the presentation of Reiki as a career. I mention the issue because whatever the Reiki training or system you work with you will encounter this issue and need to work out your personal values about this. I do suggest that we all strive to put aside our preconceptions on this issue and be truly fair.
It is important that no one feel abused or used. I also do not think it is fair to castigate someone as being greedy if they want a fair payment for the time and energy and work they do even if you wish that the service was free. I also wonder that so many people feel that their own health ,happiness spiritual evolution is not worth even a modest cost for a class or treatment. Part of the exchange issue for both students and teachers and practitioners is how much we love and respect ourselves.
Any exchange should be fair ,equitable and acceptable to all parties involved. It often does seen that people use and appreciate Reiki more if they have made some kind of contribution of their energy and resources and have helped to cover the cost to the practitioner of providing the time ,site, training , materials and personal effort for the class or treatment. Many Reiki Masters who began by offering free attunement find that they cannot continue to do so because the actual cost to them of manuals, other materials , childcare and so on is too great a burden on their families. Oddly It is also true that some of the very people who are most insistent that Attunement should be free also feel that "you get what you pay for ". I have actually saved more than my Reiki training cost just off the cost of the pain killers I was using before I took Reiki. Not to mention other benefits. Perhaps people underestimate the value Reiki will have in their lives.
The tradition of exchange is a valid one , we all Return to the Universe what we receive and receive what we send out. Exchange can be any use of the energies received for the universal good. I do accept the concept of exchange for value and I do believe in balance. Exchange is indeed the universal Law but to me exchange and Karma are not simple one to one events that occur in linear reality but are universal in scope. We can complete an exchange through service to the universe but on the other hand criticizing people who need support in order to eat is not good Karma either.
It is said that a butterfly in New York can effect the weather in Beijing, insisting always on immediate exchange in the name of balance may in my experience create a greater imbalance because an earlier imbalance may have been being rectified one must use ones own intuition and understanding regarding this. Not only may what is right for me not be right for you but what is right for me now may not be right for me tomorrow. Reality is flexible I appreciate that this issue gives the opportunity to clarify our understanding of our own values and needs ,and encourage us all to become clear on how we each feel about it rather than accepting as an absolute anyone else's unexamined opinions.
It is not having the energy that makes one a Reiki "master" it is what you do with them after you get them. Generally I with regard to compensating light workers I hold to the old saw that all Absolutes are wrong including this one.) the only thing I am opposed to is being rigid and uncompromising.
Deattunement ,Obedience symbol and being prayed against - weird stuff
Some Reiki Masters, primarily in Europe have apparently without telling students been using something they call an obedience symbol. That is intending during the attunement that the student be bound to them and unable to use their free will to seek another teacher.
This is IMO an outrageous perversion and abuse of the relationship between the teacher and the student. Should you encounter someone who thinks they have had this done. You can treat it the way you remove implants, fixations and obsessions. Use Reiki with deep emotional mental and empowerment healing and releasing with affirmations.
Sometimes People change their mind about wanting Reiki after they have been attuned
again this seems to be mostly in Europe some people are making big bucks de-attuning people I personally think that a "de attuned" person could probably reopen Reiki anytime they wanted too. Its been a given that once you have Reiki you have Reiki. Prior to receiving attunement students should understand that this is a permanent transformation.
You could help some who really wanted to to disconnect I suppose you could help them cut off the connection just as above. People don't have to use Reiki when they have it.
Reiki can do no harm, Reiki is self protecting and works for the highest good.
There have been a few individuals and groups who oppose Reiki on personal religious or spiritual grounds, who have called for people to Pray to destroy Reiki. This might come under the general category of psychic attack, However it has had absolutely no effect on any Reiki practitioner that I know of. The primary reason for this kind of opposition to Reiki seems to be the idea that anything that makes you feel good has to be bad.
Reiki Ethics for professional practice
Naturally at the Master level Ethics are very important. The Teaching Master is not a Guru or holy person and should not expect devotion from students. Costs and training should be provided in a complete and equitable way and promised training should be given as contracted for.
The Reiki master should behave in a moral and ethical way toward all students. The Ethical standards discussed at earlier Reiki levels still apply. The information and confidences of your clients and students is confidential and not to be divulged to others.
I am Not sure of the exact source for this below it is from one of the more Traditional Usui Reiki Organizations possibly Reiki Alliance. (I put some comments in parenthesis and italics PJ.)
Reiki practitioners conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner, perform only those services for which they are qualified, and represent their education, certification, professional affiliations and other qualifications honestly. They do not in any way profess to practice medicine or psychotherapy, unless licensed by their province or country to do so.
Reiki practitioners keep accurate client records, including profiles of the body mind health history. They discuss any problem areas that may contraindicate use of Reiki, and refer clients to appropriate medical or psychological professionals when indicated. (I do not actually know of any conditions that contraindicate use of Reiki )(not all practitioners do keep detailed health type records those who follow a clinical practice model do, others who practice in a less formal way may not keep detailed records or any records at all)
Reiki practitioners pay close attention to cleanliness and professional appearance of self and clothing, of linens and equipment, and of the office environment in general. They endeavor to provide a relaxing atmosphere, giving attention to reasonable scheduling and clarity about fees.
Reiki practitioners maintain clear and honest communications with their clients, and keep all client information, whether medical or personal, strictly confidential. They clearly disclose techniques used, appropriately identifying each in the scope of their professional practice.
Reiki practitioners are encouraged to clarify their intention to facilitate therapeutic change of a holistic nature, and to develop the ability to focus mindfully on the Body mind Self. To establish and maintain trust in the client relationship, they are encouraged to ask caring questions about the client's well-being, and to establish clear boundaries and an atmosphere of safety.
Reiki practitioners respect the client's physical/emotional state, and do not abuse clients through actions, words or silence, nor take advantage of the therapeutic relationship. They in no way participate in sexual activity with a client. They consider the client's comfort zone for touch and for degree of pressure, and honor the client's requests as much as possible within personal, professional and ethical limits. They acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of each person and therefore do not unjustly discriminate against clients or colleagues.
Reiki practitioners present Reiki in a professional and compassionate manner, representing themselves and their practice accurately and ethically. They conduct their business honestly, and do not give fraudulent information, nor misrepresent themselves to students or clients, nor act in a manner derogatory to the nature and positive intention of Reiki.
Reiki practitioners refrain from abuse of alcohol and drugs. These substances should not be used at all during professional activities.
Reiki practitioners strive for professional excellence through regular assessment of personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, and by continued education and training.
All Reiki practitioners of the same level should be treated as equals without regard to their initiating master or their belief system. All Reiki Teacher/Masters should be treated as equals without regard to their initiating Master or their membership (or lack of membership) of any body or association.
Reiki Teachers respect each student's right to choose their own healing path and their initiating master.
All Reiki Teachers should present only the information handed down from Mikao Usui through the Japanese lineage's. Any use of other material should be clearly introduced as such.-
There are probably as many ways to teach Reiki as there are teachers.
You will not teach exactly as you are taught but you will have a responsibility to make sure that the basic material is covered and that traditional and contemporary Reiki and additions from outside traditional Reiki are clearly identified. Most New Reiki Masters first teach using the manuals they received during their training or Reiki Manuals that are in publication. Then later write their own manuals. How you structure your class will vary according to your own style and that of the students who come to you. The structure you use should be one that is appropriate and comfortable for you and your students.
Many people are somewhat insecure of even fearful that there may be some conflict with their own religious faith so I think it is good to keep any religious element to the absolute minimum unless you are quite certain that your students are kindred spirits.
The degree of ritual and ceremony accompanying Reiki attunement varies from almost none to major productions involving casting circles ,smudging with sage ,prayers chanting bell ringing, speaking in tongues, drumming and great formality. (My first Reiki Master really put on a show).
This is All right if it feels right to you and your students. This manual has several different versions of attunements that you can choose from or adapt. It is kind of a well known secret that whatever ritual or ceremonial form you use to conduct the attunement it will work provided your intention is set and the recipients accept the attunement.
Well before the Day of the class you will want to have planned an outline of the class and taken care of the details of manuals , teaching materials , time, location and cost.
Decide what attunement form to use well ahead of the class day. If you will be paying for a location for your class it is wise to have collected an advance deposit from your students so that if they do not attend the class or cancel at the last moment you will be able to cover at least some of the costs you have incurred.
The Class Location and preparation
If you are teaching at a location other than your own home, store or office try to visit first and make sure the location is suitable. Is it quiet enough for teaching? Is there a kitchen or are restaurants nearby? Will students need to bring their own lunch or snacks ? Are chairs provided ? Is there a table for students to use when writing symbols? Can you bring a coffee maker or is one provided.Does the facility allow eating on the premises?
Make sure that rest rooms are available and that they are working and clean , See if there is privacy for your students during the class. Some places such as Condominium or Senior Recreation Centers may expect you to allow their members to wander through at will if they allow you to use their facilities.
Make sure that the people with whom you arrange the use of facilities have the right to arrange the contract for the facilities. Check that you have electrical outlets available if you bring anything that will need them. Will you need to bring your own source of music if you want it? Hopefully the room will be clean and comfortable and the right temperature. Have your chosen music ready if you will use it and make sure the equipment works. Will you be allowed to light candles or burn incense ? Some facilities have fire regulations that prohibit all flame. Some teachers ceremonially burn the paper on which the symbols are practiced, If you intend to do this you would need a safe container and location for this.
If you will serve tea or snacks or people will bring lunch you will want to have cups , napkins, spoons sugar and a waste basket for debris. In many locations it is common to have bottled water on hand. Make sure the rest room is clean and supplied. If the class is at your home remove anything potentially embarrassing from the rest room including the medicine cabinet if it does not lock. put anything of special value or fragility away. It is also wise to make sure that those rooms which you do not expect anyone to enter are clean and suitable in case someone does need to enter them. Sometimes people do need to change clothes or lie down for a bit or take medication. Have a place for people to put coats if they have them. A safe place for purses that is visible to all and far from the exit is a good idea if they cannot be not kept close to each student.
Make arrangements for child care if you need it and so forth. Have selected or written the material you will be using and gathered your handouts and teaching materials. Make sure you have enough manuals ,handouts and certificates (if you give certificates) for your expected students. Have pens and paper for your students and clipboards if there is no table or place for students to take notes or practice writing symbols. Set up a massage table if you have one and there is room to have it out during the class. Figure out where you will put it if you will need to put it up after the class starts. And have tissues, cushions a blanket and so forth. If you do not have a massage table decide where you will demonstrate treatments. Try to have enough chairs hopefully comfortable ones. It can be really painful for some people to sit on a floor for a long time.

Preparation on class day
It is hoped that you will be well rested and prepared on the day of the class.
If the class is not at your home try to arrive early enough to complete your preparations in an unhurried way. Before the students arrive you might want to give yourself a self treatment. Do your meditation and any personal preparation. You might want to clear the room and if you do want to do something like call in a healing grid or portal or invite Angels etc. You might do it now rather than after the students arrive. I like to sit in the room and Run Reiki with the intention that the room myself and the class be of maximum effect and light.
Your class and your attunement should have a clear beginning, middle and end.
Teach as you would like to be taught
Know something about your students
use simple words to communicate concepts
have breaks scheduled
Organize the presentation so that it flows in a way that makes sense to you and your students
Do not try to prove that you are right let students have their own realizations
You can hold a class for one person or for a large number of people
however if you have at least two students they can practice together while you teach and observe. Try to avoid too large a group. While doing Reiki and attunements can be exhilarating a very large a class will be difficult to keep running smoothly.You want to be able to give each student individual attention.
When you use the direct transmission group attunement you can have everyone begin by sharing Reiki with each other just after the attunement ends. After the attunements you can have people do a quick check that they can run Reiki and go directly into a self treatment.
If you are doing a ritual attunement one student at a time then when one student has finished they could stand behind one of the waiting students and run Reiki with their hands on the shoulders of the seated student. Before you begin the attunement let people know you will be having them do that so you won't break up the flow of the Attunement. actually a lot of folks find this disruptive so I don't do it this way myself.
If you do the individual attunement in a separate area from the rest of the class students can practice on the waiting students after their attunement is done. This is easier to supervise if you have a teaching assistant.
After the Attunement some students may want to discuss their experience of the attunement. This can cause the class to drag if allowed to continue to long and also may make some students who do not get visions and drama feel discouraged.

Suggestions for teaching Reiki one class.
If there is anyone in class who has never received Reiki give them a sample early on. If you are doing the four part Reiki one attunement you will want to space the segments throughout the class time. When a student has completed the first degree attunement they should touch someone and run Reiki as soon as possible. I often go right into having everyone give themselves a self treatment right after the attunement. People who have worked with other energy systems using active chi or polarity sometimes have to be reminded that when you turn Reiki on it flows without the practitioner having to push or "do" something to "make it work" it can take a little while for everyone to get the technique of commanding the Reiki on and allowing it to run.

For Reiki one
covered topics
introduction, personal information greetings
handing out materials
What Reiki is, history,
brief introduction to concepts of energy and wellness
hand positions and why they are used
demonstrate treatments self ,others, chair
practice, lots of practice make sure everyone has got the feel for Reiki
and has both given and received Reiki
Ethics, Reiki principles, disclaimers
using Reiki on plants, animals,
a bit about meridians, aura, chakra and the energy body
a bit about scanning or sensing energy in general and about intuition
Reiki in other areas of your life, job environment, events,
meetings, in the home, leisure activities,
exchange issues , legal issues , Reiki variants
about having a Reiki practice and keeping records
Questions, anything that comes up
Possibly teach Japanese techniques Hatsu-Reiho ,meditation ,Reiki shower
additional discussion social interaction and practice
hibiki- byosen
non Reiki methods of increasing channel
meditation and grounding
Make sure that all students can run Reiki
and do not use their own energy.
that they understand the butterfly lightness of touch
have practiced hand placements
and know about ethical issues and the Reiki principles
make sure that they have a chance to talk about the Attunement experience
if they want but don't push and don't allow this part of the class to take over.
be prepared to discuss protection and perceived conflicts with religion if the issue comes up. Be prepared to discuss Reiki myths and conflicts if it comes up.
For Reiki Two
the general nature of symbols
More detailed information about ethics particularly in regard to remote healing and emotional healing
introduce the three individual symbols
using the power symbol
using the harmony symbol
using the remote healing symbol
techniques of emotional healing
treating addictions, setting affirmations
techniques of remote healing
healing issues in the past, preparing for future need
Reiki circles and group treatments
practice drawing symbols and memorizing them
a method of memorizing symbols that works very well
is to have students draw them starting with the first stroke and beginning again adding one stroke each time until done.
practice treatment with symbols
practice remote healing
additional possible subjects
Japanese Reiki techniques
World healing
Discuss "advanced Reiki Techniques"
such as reiki meditation
Guides and angels
crystals , manifesting. Etc.
Other- healing techniques (not traditional to Reiki These are techniques I have learned and share with students
separately from the Reiki training ) These include
directing Energy to specific areas,
energy massage
Expand, blanket and focus functions power settings,
and modes,
Automatic programs
(These give equivalent functions to having taken most of the "advanced "Reiki variants. These attunements are available only from those who have Peggy Jentoft in their linage or have been attuned by a teacher from the Spiritual Unfoldment Network or someone with that linage)
Reiki Master and teacher
Master level attunement
the Empowerment symbol
using the symbol
Several ways to give attunements
how to give a distant attunement
About being a Reiki Master suggested values
lots of practice doing attunements
Teaching Reiki
discuss other forms of Reiki
including really strange stuff
(deattunement obedience symbol)
About Reiju (This empowerment method is not taught in this manual
I use a different Reiju form than Mr. Doi )
Additional possibilities
(other healing functions not Reiki as such)
chakra balancing
healing attunement
angel connection
karma alleviation
class formats
There are several formats that are used for classes The teacher must decide How they want to teach and how long will each class be. Very few people have time for a classic apprenticeship of one or more years.
Any one may take Reiki one
often with traditional Western Reiki the class is held either over one weekend or
Friday evening and the weekend to allow time to space out the 4 part attunements
another pattern is one Day for Reiki one. Some people have taught Reiki one over eight weeks with about 2 hours for each session. With individual students or couples who have read the manual before class and have experience with meditation or other spiritual practice a 4 to 6 hour class often works very well
Reiki two can be done either in combination with Reiki one or separately
often it is recommended that one wait at least a month after taking Reiki one and practice self treatment daily if possible and treat at least 10 other people
before taking the level two class Most times this class is taught either in one day or in one weekend but some teacher do teach over a longer time frame.
The requirement and time devoted to the Reiki Master Training
can be extremely varied
While some teach all three levels in one weekend and this is successful for many
Traditional teachers usually recommend a wait of from six months to a year after the Reiki two training.
Some teachers require students to have kept a Reiki Journal and provide documentation of from fifty to 100 treatments for different people before accepting them into a Reiki Master class.
Some teachers have students meet at least once a month for a year and do many supervised treatments. Some teachers require students to provide students for several classes and treatment which the master supervises. (and gets all the payments for them).
Some teachers require their students to write their own manual before certifying them.
Other Teachers have just done the attunement and taught the empowerment symbol and a way to attune and that is it. This is clearly not adequate though with perseverance one can self teach and fill in the gaps.
Many teachers do Divide the Master level into two separate sections
doing the attunement and basic teaching in the first part and focusing on teaching Reiki in the second part.
There are all kinds of possibilities for ways to develop your class outlines and materials
I have not firmed up on a favorite form for Master level classes
but adapt the form to the needs of the student or students
Most good Reiki teachers will be open for follow up either in person or by phone and e-mail
MORE RITUALS for attunements
Semi Traditional Usui style Attunement
This is in the Usui Tradition but is not exactly what it is said that Mrs. Takata did. I think that Mrs. Takata did Attunements slightly differently each time because there are several different rituals that people swear are just what she taught them. I have also spoken with people attuned by Mrs. T or her granddaughter who said none of the published methods are exactly like she taught.
The same attunement is used for all three levels with some modifications for the second and third level. For the more traditional form The first level attunement is repeated 4 times with a minimum of an hour between Attunement. You can begin by setting your intention or saying a "prayer" of intention, either silent or spoken in any tradition that is valid for you. Intend with the for the help of the Reiki Source to facilitate a perfect attunement for the person or people. If you work with spirit guides, Reiki guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, etc., you can ask them to assist in making this a perfect attunement in accord with the persons highest good. Angels and guides or other "helpers" are not necessary for the attunement to work and are not a traditional element in The Usui- Hayashi-Takata lineage.
Draw the Power Symbol and the Master symbol on your palms, and mentally visualize them over your Crown and on your Heart Chakra, intend to connect totally with Reiki, the Earth and Source for the purpose of attunement.
Clear and charge the room by drawing the four Usui Reiki symbols mentally or in the air in front of you. This prepares the room and sets a tone as a sacred event.
The student sits with hands held in the gassho or prayer position at about mid chest. Stand behind the initiate, draw the Cho Ku Rei from slightly above the top of the head and down the back of the student, ending at the base of the spine. Place both hands on top of the head to get an energetic rapport with the student.
Breathe in and visualize the Dai Ku Myo. Exhale the Breath into the Crown Chakra blow the Dai Ku Myo visualized as gold into the Crown Chakra, guiding it with your hand move it through the middle of the student's head, and into the base of the brain.
Just above or on the head, draw the Usui Master Symbol and repeat silently
"Dai Ku Myo" three times. Visualize the symbol moving into the Crown Chakra, through the head and into the base of the brain, guiding it with your hand. Do the same with Cho Ku Rei, the Sei Hei Ki, and the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.
Signal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their head or reach over and raise them yourself. Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the Symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and into in the base of the brain saying the name of the power symbol three times and guiding the Symbol with your hand.
When attuning to level 2 you Repeat this with the Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and with Dai Ku Myo for level III.) Move to the front and place the students prayer held hands in front of their heart. Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the middle of forehead (brow or third eye chakra). Picture the Symbol moving into the brow chakra. Guide it in with the hand if you want. Say the name of the power symbol three times.
For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four symbols, remember to repeat the name of each symbol three times). Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the heart chakra. (You might need to move the students hands) Then picture the Symbol moving into the heart chakra. Say the name of the power symbol three times. For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four symbols). Open the student's hands like the cover of a book so they are next to each other palms up facing the ceiling.Place you left hand under their hands and with your right hand draw out the Power Symbol on the hands on the Palm. Say the name of the power symbol three times. Then lightly tap or slap the hands three times. (Only the Power symbol is placed in the hands in level I, the Distant symbol and mental /emotional symbol are placed in the hands in level II, and all four of the symbols are placed in the palms in the Master level.) Bring the student's hands together in prayer position, and move them back in front of the student's Heart. Blow over the hands, down to the Solar Plexus, then up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands.
Move behind the student. Place your hands on or over the student's head. Use a positive affirmation and repeat it to yourself three times, Intend it to be accepted by the student. Some examples are: "You are a perfectly attuned", "you are a True Reiki Healer", or "you are filled with Divine Love and Wisdom", or any other affirmation that is significant to you or the student.
Open your hands and look down through the Crown Chakra, visualizing through to the root chakra. Intend that the great shining light of the Reiki Source send fill the heart and all the chakras. Move your hands to the student's neck, and then place the right hand on top of the head and the left at the base of the skull. draw the power symbol in the aura over the crown and visualize the aura being closed. Say to yourself, "I seal this Attunement with Divine Love and Wisdom". Intend that the Process is sealed and complete and the student is now forever connected directly to the Reiki Source. Place your hands on the student's shoulders briefly while appreciating the completion of the attunement.
Move to the front of the student. Hold your palms toward them. Visualize a glowing mist surrounding you both. Breath in and be filled with this white light mist of Reiki. Blow the mist at the student allowing the final energy of theattunement to bless the student. Say, "the attunement is complete".
The First Degree Attunements
There are four separate attunements for the first degree. Think in terms of setting up the flow for the energy to come into the crown chakra and out the minor chakras in the palms of your hands.
Preparation and positioning for the attunement:
Position initiate in straight chair with feet on floor. if feet do not touch, use a phone book or whatever is necessary under the feet so that the initiate is seated in a comfortable position.
Standing in front of the Initiate, explain that you will be walking around to the back and working on his/her head then returning to the front to work with his/her hands.
While demonstrating the correct position, instruct initiate to bring his/her hands together as when praying and hold them in a comfortable position. Also tell him/her that you will be touching hands as well as raising them higher during the attunement.
Final instruction to initiate: "Now I want you to close your eyes and go within and I will let you know when I am finished and you can open your eyes" (actually my first Reiki Master encouraged us to keep our eyes open at least some of the time and allowed everyone in the class to watch during the attunements).
Now walk in a counter-clockwise motion to the back of the chair to begin the attunement ( some other masters say clockwise).

First Attunement
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra
Step 2. Now place your dominant hand on top of the crown chakra while your non dominant hand remains extended. Visualize the Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and cho ku Rei, in that order. Hold that position a moment allowing the energy to flow.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to work with. While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level with the Initiate's hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiate's fingertips. Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki.Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand positions , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the cho ku rei with your tongue on the roof of your mouth (mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate: "You can open your eyes whenever you are ready." or " This concludes the first part of the first degree attunement." At this time you might ask the initiate to talk about the feelings , visions or experiences that he/she had during the attunement. Besides the joyful sharing involved between student and teacher , the verbalization allows the Initiate to process what has occurred and helps if he/she needs to validate that "the attunement worked ". If several people are being attuned this sharing can be done after all have been completed. It also helps to instruct Initiates to continue to keep hands on heart after their attunement while waiting for others to join them back at their seats.
Reiki Level 1. second and third attunements
Preparation and positioning are the same as in the first attunement adding that you will also touch Initiate's Shoulders. The steps for the second and third attunements are identical. These attunements not only setup part of the flow of Reiki they help clear the Initiates Chakras as well. walk counter clockwise to back of the initiate and begin.
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now place both hands on the initiate's shoulders with both thumbs on either side of the prominent bone at the base of the neck. Visualize the Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and Cho Ku Rei, in that order. Hold that position and allow the energy to flow through all the chakras.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to work with. While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level with the Initiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips. Maintain hand
positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki. Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand position , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready."
Reiki Level 1 Fourth Attunement
Preparation and Position are the same as in 1st 2nd and 3rd attunements Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now move counter clockwise to the side of the chair. Place one hand on Initiates Forehead and one on the back of the head. Visualize the Dai Ku Myo ,Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and Cho Ku Rei, in that order.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to work with. While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level with the Initiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips. Maintain hand
positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki.Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand position , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready. "
This concludes the First degree Reiki Attunement.
Preparation and Position are the same as in the 1st degree attunement
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now move counter clockwise to the side of the chair. Place one hand on Initiates Forehead and one on the back of the head. Visualize the ,Hon Sha Ze sho nen, Sei He Ki, and Cho Ku Rei, in that order.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to work with. While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level with the Initiates hands Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo
Step 4. Then open the Initiates Hands placing them hands up on the knees. Take one hand and draw (with your dominant hand ) the Hon sha ze sho nen over his/her palm and clap the hand with yours. Now draw the Sei He Ki over the initiate's palm and clap the hand with yours. next draw the Cho ku Rei over the initiate's palm and clap the hand with yours. Return the Initiates hand to his/her Knee. Take up the Initiate's other hand and repeat all of step four on the second hand.
Step 5. clasp both of Initiates hands together and lift them near to nose in order to have access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
step 6. Release Initiates Hands , place them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready. "This concludes the second degree attunement.

A meditation is done to facilitate the connection between the Master, the Initiate, the Energy and the Guides in preparation for the Attunement. When The Master intuits that the connection has been made the attunement begins.
the positioning is the same as for the other Reiki Attunements.
Step 1. Walk counter clockwise to back of Initiate. Take a deep breath and hold ,while placing the tip of your tongue at the back of your upper front teeth. Raise up your non dominant arm and hand with the palm open. With your Dominant hand , draw the DAI KU MYO over the Crown Chakra. Reach
forward with both hands and clasp Initiate's hands and release held breath by blowing into the Crown Chakra
Step 2. Perform ALL Four of the first degree attunements with these changes: Blow into the Crown Chakra prior to moving to front of Initiate to work on hands. This means that the held breath will be blown into the Crown Chakra four more times from in back of the Initiate. pay close attention to held breath and tongue positioning. Step 3. Perform the complete second degree attunement with these changes :Blow into the Crown Chakra prior to walking to side of Initiate.
After drawing the other three Symbols and clapping, Draw the DAI KU MYO into Initiate's hands and clap with yours.
When breath is blown, blow from Root Chakra to Heart Chakra, then Throat Chakra to Third Eye. Step 4. Release Initiates Hands , place them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready. " This Concludes The Master's Degree Attunements.

Semi Traditional attunement (Diane Stein style) There are many variations of the attunement procedure and Reiki Masters often add Personal touches to the process. this version is very much like the one in Diane Stein's Book Essential Reiki. You will stand for the attunement. Tthe students will sit with hands held together in a gassho, or praying hands position (fingers straight not folded) at chest height. During most of the attunement many Reiki Masters hold their breath with their tongue held at the roof of their mouth just behind the teeth and may clench their perinea muscles during the process. (I do not recommend the muscle clenching at all). Many Reiki Masters do some kind of clearing or opening procedure before beginning the Attunement this might be as simple as having everyone wash their hands first, to a full blown ceremony with casting a circle, smudging, chanting in tongues, Praying and Ritual gestures. this is up to the Reiki Master's inclination and training. (My first Reiki Master Really put on a show). Step behind the chair where the student is seated and open the students crown with either a visualization or a two handed book opening gesture. Trace the Dai Ku Myo Symbol over the crown mentally repeat the mantra as you draw the symbol. Reach over the student's shoulders and take hold of the student's hands between Your own and blow the symbol into the crown. Take a deep breath and hold it. Then trace the other symbols over the crown and again take the students hands and blow into the crown take another deep breath and hold it. Now come to the front and open the students hands like a book. Trace the Power symbol over both palms and tap the hands three times you may draw all the symbols at once and tap them in or do each one separately. You may also draw the symbols on the fingers and for the third degree over the third eye at the brow. Then take the student's hand in one of your and hold it to the side while you blow from root to heart. Take a deep breath and hold it. Go to the back and close the aura being careful not to close the crown. Some Reiki Masters also open and close the attunement with another symbol called Raku just like the pottery firing technique, it looks like a lightening bolt. Some Masters do four attunements for level one, two for level two, and one for level three. Some do one attunement for each level. and a few do all of the levels in one attunement.
I hope that this manual will be of value to all readers and that they find their Reiki practice joyful and fulfilling.
This manual is not complete there is always more to learn
Peggy Jentoft 12-20-2000 8-2-2001 and forever after
Usui Reiki Master and Teacher contemporary and traditional methods level three manual
by Peggy L. Jentoft
© Peggy Jentoft ,2000 , 2001 and forever after
except where noted

Peggy Jentoft is a Reiki MasterTeacher of multiple liniage going back to Usui Sensei Her personal masters teachers have included Alexis Somerfield (.K Guererro) ,Marcie Rose , Sandra Mariana , Jennifer Alexandra , and she has exchanged attunements and information with over two dozen Reiki teachers from Linage of at least eight of the twenty two Takata Reiki Masters plus teachers from two non Takata linages.and also has received information and attunement from direct Spiritual transmissson in many different energy modalitys.
She has been attuned to Tera Mai , Karuna Ki, Seichem, Menchos ,Gemstone, Unlimited, Fullspectrum , Magnussa Phoenix , Fusion and so many other varients that she has lost count.
She is a Drisana Seventh level practicioner, A Malaka Huna Fifth level practitioner
A Crystal Healing Empowerment Teacher She Teaches Reiki, Crystal Healing, and
Personalized Energy Work in La Mirada Ca.As a Healing minister Ordained by Chrysalis Ministries and has over thirty years experience and study in metaphysics and healing modalities and multiple systems of energy work.

© Copyright Peggy Jentoft 2001-2002 all rights reserved
I welcome your comments and suggestions The author may be reached by email at or by writing
Peggy Jentoft 13218 Woodridge Ave.
La Mirada Ca. 90638
or phone 562-926-3975
For a personal reply by postal mail please enclose a stamped self addressed envelope
the art, graphics and background are also by Peggy Jentoft

You are allowed to save or print a copy of this manual to be shared freely, without cost. You may print copies of this work for personal use or to be shared with students, provided that it is given in its entirety, and the author credit to Peggy Jentoft copyright message remains intact. This material is not to be republished on other webservers, websites, translated, altered or in any other way used without the express written permission of the author. All rights reserved. My Reiki Manuals are offered for free download and may be used in trainings and classes. My name and copyright information must be retained. My manuals are widely distributed and have been downloaded over one million times since 1996 . People who remove my name and copyright information and attempt to pass themselves off as the author of these manuals are quickly exposed and face considerable embarrasment and the loss of their reputation as well as possible legal consequenses.